6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

FMProgressBarView screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
Progress Bar with color changing background and text.
SCSkypeActivityIndicatorView screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
Activity indicator view similar to the one seen in the Skype apps.
SCSafariPageController screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
A page view controller component that reproduces Mobile Safari's tab switching behavior
youtube-parser screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
YouTube link parser for swift
HYBubbleButton screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
It will generate up floating layers , when you clicked .
ALMediaLibrary screenshot


July 16, 2015 • MIT License
A wrapper around Photos framework. It simplify all the process to retrieve photos from the photo library of the user.
DYSwitchXDemo screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
DYSwitchX is a iOS UISwitch like for Mac OS X
DropDownMenu screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
Animated drop down menu written in Objective-C
JXGradientNavigationBar screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
Custom UINavigationBar subclass with gradient colors on iOS.
DYAlertPickerViewDemo screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
AlertView with PickerView and Switch
KCCScrollViewContext screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
KCCScrollViewContext provides additional UIScrollView state and expands upon UIScrollViewDelegate messaging while maintaining compatibility with existing UISScrollViewDelegate implementations. •...
MPCoachMarks screenshot


July 09, 2015 • MIT License
MPCoachMarks is an iOS class that displays user coach marks with a couple of shapes cut out over an existing UI. This approach leverages your actual UI as part of the onboarding process for your user.
TextFlipKit screenshot


July 08, 2015 • MIT License
Makes it easy to flip and reverse NSStrings and NSSAttributedStrings
WebKit Helper - Otafuku screenshot

WebKit Helper - Otafuku

July 08, 2015 • MIT License
Otafuku provides utility classes to use WKWebView in Swift and has the following features. - WebViewUIController to handle WKUIDelegate methods by presenting an alert as usual browsers do. - ...
No image provided.


July 07, 2015 • MIT License
SCPageViewController is a container controller which allows you to paginate other view controllers and build custom transitions.
FlashLabel screenshot


July 07, 2015 • MIT License
Simple and Lightweight Timed label for Mac
VASRefreshControl screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
Simple pull to refresh control with support RACCommand. [Example GIF](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7fd5eb5eb665d3ea98598e40f7797387d4990dec/68747470733a2f2f686162726173746f726167652e6f7267...
BUYPaymentButton screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
A vector-based Apple Pay button for all iOS 8 versions.
Presentation screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages. Looking for the easiest way of presenting something in your iOS app? Then you are in the right place. Presentation wil...
TLAnimatedSegue screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
Segue for present controllers with custom animations.