6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

img.ly SDK 2 - Photo Editor screenshot

img.ly SDK 2 - Photo Editor

November 07, 2019 • CC BY 3.0 License
img.ly SDK provides tools for creating photo applications for iOS with a big variety of filters that can be previewed in real-time. Unlike other apps that allow a live preview of filters, the img.l...
Swift-Intro screenshot


July 26, 2016 • CC BY 3.0 License
Swift Intro with auto layout and basic transition
BlurMenu screenshot


August 27, 2014 • CC BY 3.0 License
A simple iOS menu with blur background.
Country List screenshot

Country List

January 06, 2014 • CC BY 3.0 License
Provides a View Controller with Country List along with Calling Code and Country Code.
NTPagedTableViewController screenshot


May 19, 2013 • CC BY 3.0 License
A UITableView that 'snaps' like `pagingEnabled` on `UIScrollView`.
PDSearchHUD screenshot


January 18, 2013 • CC BY 3.0 License
Now there's no need to navigate to another view for selecting a data item. PDSearchHUD is very handy control used to show a HUD with a searchbar and tableview.
Location Map screenshot

Location Map

January 02, 2013 • CC BY 3.0 License
A Design pattern to show the locations and map in an efficient way, the UI mimics Foursquare's checkin view.
ShortcutRecorder screenshot


December 28, 2012 • CC BY 3.0 License
The best control to record shortcuts on macOS - Objective-C framework developed with Swift in mind - Easily stylable - Translated into 22 languages - Supports macOS Accessibility - Thoroughl...
MultiRowCalloutAnnotationView screenshot


December 04, 2011 • CC BY 3.0 License
This is an annotation view that sports a callout bubble with multiple, independently selectable rows of data. The objective is to allow each cell/row to utilize an accessory disclosure button, with...
NLFetchedResultsTable screenshot


May 14, 2011 • CC BY 3.0 License
A small open-source class that helps you quickly create and configure a UITableViewController that is backed by an NSFetchedResultsController. This is code I use in a lot of my projects, and have e...