6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

MagicWrapper screenshot


January 05, 2015 • MIT License
Magic Wrapper is an Objective-C client/wrapper for M:tgDb, the Magic the Gathering open database project.
MABCardsView (Swift) screenshot

MABCardsView (Swift)

January 05, 2015 • MIT License
A Swift port for https://github.com/zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView
GONMarkupParser screenshot


January 05, 2015 • MIT License
Easily build NSAttributedString from XML/HTML like strings for iOS.
HKKScrollableGridView screenshot


January 05, 2015 • MIT License
HKKScrollableGridView is a variant of UITableView looks like MS Excel sheet. It supports horizontal scrolling, vertical and horizontal fixed area.
WovenStar screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
iOS port of Woven star: https://dribbble.com/shots/1691328-Woven-star
DZNWebViewController 3.0 screenshot

DZNWebViewController 3.0

January 04, 2015 • MIT License
An iPhone/iPad mini WebKit browser controller with navigation controls and contextual features, useful for in-app web browsing. Built to be subclassed and extended.
BarChart screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
Bar Chart Standalone Component with Animation for IOS
VKBarChartView screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
Drag & drop custom UIView bar chart with animating bars.
ScrollingTextView screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
Scrolling Text View for About window and usually used as credits
DevFrames screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
This is a public repo for my in-device screenshot creation tool. It allows you to take a screenshot of one of the apps you have developed and create a device enclosed representation of it. This ...
Vibro screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
Vibrates your device whenever your app sends network request
RAMAnimatedTabBarController screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
TAlertView screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
TAlertView is a replacement for UIAlertView. Custom Alert Views with Dynamics physics.
LTInfiniteScrollView screenshot


January 01, 2015 • MIT License
An infinite scrollview allowing easily applying animation
SLPagingView screenshot


January 01, 2015 • MIT License
Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like
BDVCountryNameAndCode screenshot


January 01, 2015 • MIT License
An easy and convenient way to get a suggest a mobile prefix for a user that's signing up, or just a simple way of accessing the country the user is likely to be in without asking for location servi...
PeekInspiredTimePicker screenshot


January 01, 2015 • MIT License
A Time Picker inspired by the beautiful PEEK Calendar application. http://www.peekcalendar.com
YZSwipeBetweenViewController screenshot


December 30, 2014 • MIT License
A view controller that has a scroll view which contains multiple view controllers's views; user can swipe left/right to switch to different views.
APCDController screenshot


December 30, 2014 • MIT License
CoreData stack done right
Circular Progress View screenshot

Circular Progress View

December 30, 2014 • MIT License
Animated Circular Progress View Control based on CAShapeLayer and UIBezierPath