6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

SKSplashView screenshot


January 24, 2015 • MIT License
Create your own custom splash screens using a number of preset animation types. Can be customized to mimic the splash screens on the Twitter and Ping iOS app.
stkitdemo screenshot


January 24, 2015 • MIT License
STKit is a collection of useful classes for iOS Developer,it can help you to simplify the approach to develop your iOS applications saving time and more efficiently.
SliceButton screenshot


January 24, 2015 • MIT License
SliceButton is a button that is shaped like a pizza with slices. It supports user-input and responds to any touches with information about which 'slice' was touched.
EasySocial screenshot


January 24, 2015 • MIT License
This library allows your apps to use Twitter and Facebook with minimal understanding of the relevant SDK. It is super easy to use and elegantly designed. It will save you time. Many other librar...
No image provided.


January 22, 2015 • MIT License
A UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass that scales items to take up space, optimized for large item set, inspired by NHBalancedFlowLayout.
CGFLoatingUIKit screenshot


January 22, 2015 • MIT License
UITextField and UITextView are supported with FloatingLabels in Swift.
No image provided.


January 22, 2015 • MIT License
A twitter like navigation bar, page viewer.
IQLabelView screenshot


January 22, 2015 • MIT License
IQLabelView is used to add text overlay and resize and rotate it with single finger. pod 'IQLabelView', '~> 0.1'
ENFooterActivityIndicatorView screenshot


January 22, 2015 • MIT License
UITableView's footer activity indicator view
YoutubePlayer screenshot


January 22, 2015 • Unspecified License
This is a simple Youtube Embedded Video Player. It is based from the youtube helper api but with the difference that contains a bunch of improvement and bugs fixes. The idea is to share this li...
INSElectronicProgramGuideLayout screenshot


January 21, 2015 • MIT License
UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying electronic program guide.
HTHorizontalSelectionList screenshot


January 21, 2015 • MIT License
A simple, horizontally-scrolling list of items that can be used as a more flexible replacement for UISegmentedControl
PHFParallaxBackgroundCell screenshot


January 21, 2015 • MIT License
Framework with animate background cell to create a parallax effect with remote or local images. Each cell can be a different offset.
AFMInfoBanner screenshot


January 21, 2015 • MIT License
Easy to use auto-hiding notice bar below Navigation Bar
JTBorderDotAnimation screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
A simple animation with dots turning around a UIView for iOS
UPCardsCarousel screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
UPCardsCarousel is a carousel with a fancy cards based UI for iOS.
Panoramic screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
HMPopUp screenshot


January 20, 2015 • Unspecified License
This will provide you fully customisable pop up view with custom configuration. Don't forget to star, if you like it.
AFHTTPSessionManager-AFUniqueGET screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
Your GET request is in progress, then you make a new one asking for the same resource, better reuse it than creating a new one, right? This category adds the `uniqueGET` method to **AFHTTPSessio...
LNERadialMenu screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
A radial menu that considers screen edges, reorganizing buttons to be always visible on screen.