6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

FFLoadingView screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
LoadingView with animation
JTAppleCalendar screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
The Unofficial Swift Apple Calendar Library. View. Control. for iOS & tvOS **Note:** This is a fairly new project. Please leave a Star rating on [github](https://github.com/patchthecode/JTAppleC...
PWSwitch screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
Highly customizable UISwitch built with CALayers and CAAnimations
AutoKeyboard screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
Fully Automatic Keyboard handling. It updates constraints which are bounded with bottomLayoutGuide.
RaisePlaceholder screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
When you enter a text in UITextField, it displays the placeholder as a UITextField's subject.
AssetsPickerViewController screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
Features Done - iOS friendly UI for album & photo controllers - select album - select multiple photos and videos - realtime synchronization for library change in albums & photos - option to ...
Cupcake screenshot


June 13, 2017 • MIT License
An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS (Swift version).
PGNotificationView screenshot


June 08, 2017 • MIT License
Common Top NotificationView Creator with injection subview.
KJOverlayTutorial screenshot


June 07, 2017 • MIT License
A Tutorial for iOS
Workaholic screenshot


June 07, 2017 • MIT License
A Github's like work contribution timeline.
Datify screenshot


June 07, 2017 • MIT License
Easypeasy date functions
WSBeforeAfterSliderView screenshot


June 07, 2017 • MIT License
This is a before after comparision slider. Easy to use just change the custom class of UIView.
Sambag screenshot


June 04, 2017 • MIT License
Android Time, Month-Year, and Date pickers implemented in Swift for iOS development
WSMenuButton screenshot


June 04, 2017 • Unspecified License
Animated menu button. Simply assing the class to button and use.
SplitViewDragAndDrop screenshot


June 02, 2017 • MIT License
Easily add drag and drop to pass data between your apps in split view mode
No image provided.


June 02, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
This project is a clone of FB Messenger . Converted to Swift3 syntax (Courtesy: https://www.letsbuildthatapp.com/). It covers topics like: 1. Auto Layout Using Code 2. Core Data Entities: Creat...
SocketChat-iOS screenshot


June 02, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
Chat Example Using Socket Connection To use this code use Chat Server PHP(https://github.com/varun-naharia/Chat-Server-PHP) to create server and connect this app to that server. Or you can test wi...
AAChartKit-Slim screenshot


June 02, 2017 • MIT License
Features: 1. Support iOS 6, ARC & Objective C. 2. Powerful,support the column chart, bar chart, line chart, spline chart, pie chart, polar chart, radar chart and other graphics. 3. Interactive...
KATCircularProgressChart screenshot


June 02, 2017 • MIT License
Custom Circular Progress Chart library for iOS applications.
HHPageView screenshot


June 01, 2017 • MIT License
An ideal alternative of UIPageControl.