6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

SJSegmentedViewController screenshot


August 09, 2016 • MIT License
SJSegmentedScrollView is a light weight generic controller written in Swift 2.3. Its a simple customisable controller were you can integrate any number of ViewControllers into a segmented controlle...
AICustomViewControllerTransition screenshot


August 08, 2016 • MIT License
Easy and tidy way for creating custom UIViewController transitions for iOS
ASJColoredScrollIndicators screenshot


August 08, 2016 • MIT License
Apply color to scroll indicators of any UIScrollView
FTChatMessageDemoProject screenshot


August 08, 2016 • MIT License
KVConstraintExtensionsMaster screenshot


August 08, 2016 • MIT License
It's simple and powerful API for adding/applying , accessing, & modifying existing constraints on a view by layout attribute.
GMPicker screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Costumizable UIPicker and UIDatePicker based on MIDatePicker
BubbleAnimation screenshot


August 06, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Bubble animation and bounce animation
CustomKeyboardTextField screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Provides easy way to make TextField with custom keyboards.
SwiftyAvatar screenshot


August 06, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
A UiimageView class for creating circular avatar images, IBDesignable to make all changes via storyboard
VKExpandableButton screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
VKExpandableButton is a simple and easy-to-use expandable button written in Swift. You can put any String or UIImage inside it's content and customize it as you wish.
PokeModal screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Simple modal view inspired by Pokémon GO
Pokémon Weakness iOS app screenshot

Pokémon Weakness iOS app

August 06, 2016 • Custom License
Source code for Pokémon Weakness iOS application :rocket:
HJToast screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
HJToast is a customised library for Toast or SnackBar, that comes with powerful feature of accessory views. It can be used to display the short messages or events over the view.
ImageGalleryView screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
A custom image gallery view for iOS written in Swift.
DBAttachmentPickerController screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
This powerful component allows to select different types of files from different sources on your device.
KSNavigationController screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Looking for macOS (Mac OS X) analog of UIKit's UINavigationController from iOS? This class mimics its behavior.
ColorMatchTabs screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
UI animation concept fo review apps.
LXPageViewWithButtonsViewController screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
combines UIPageViewController and highly customisable page selection tabs. Tab buttons can be positioned freely.
EZYGradientView screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
BRImagePicker (Whatsapp type Image picker) screenshot

BRImagePicker (Whatsapp type Image picker)

August 06, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Choose multiple images from gallery. You can perform "Cropping" and you can add "Caption" as well for each selected image. You can select up to 10 images at a time.