6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

FlatButton screenshot


August 18, 2014 • Unspecified License
Create Bootstrap 3.0-like buttons.
SAExpandableButton screenshot


August 18, 2014 • MIT License
Expandable buttons for choosing options as seen in the iOS camera app
AFViewHelper screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
Convenience extension for UIVIew in Swift
AFImageHelper screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
Convenience extension for UIImage and UIImageView in Swift
AFDateHelper screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
Convenience extension for NSDate in Swift.
ODMultiColumnLabel screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
A UILabel replacement that renders text on multiple columns, comes in both Objective-C and Swift versions
SwiftAppMenuController screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
Facebook's Paper.app like menu adapted to Swift from GTAppMenuController from Gianluca Tursi
JGActionSheet screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
A feature-rich action sheet for iOS. It completely replaces UIActionSheet and features many additions:<br> • Multiple sections.<br> • Completely customize buttons and labels.<br> • Sections with...
YLLongTapShare screenshot


August 16, 2014 • MIT License
Long Tap Sharing control for iOS.
OLEContainerScrollView screenshot


August 10, 2014 • MIT License
A UIScrollView subclass that intelligently handles multiple child scroll views and does not interfere with UIKitʼs cell reuse functionality.
SpinKit-ObjC screenshot


August 10, 2014 • MIT License
iOS loading component with smooth awesome animation.
Timeline screenshot


August 10, 2014 • MIT License
Timeline like the Path iOS app
FrostedSidebar screenshot


August 09, 2014 • MIT License
Hamburger Menu based off of RNFrostedSidebar (https://github.com/rnystrom/RNFrostedSidebar), written in Swift, and uses the new iOS 8 UIVisualEffectView for the UIBlurEffect.
BKCardExpiryField screenshot


August 09, 2014 • MIT License
iOS control for credit card expiration date input.
Masu screenshot


August 09, 2014 • MIT License
Placeholder for iOS prototyping
JMMarkSlider screenshot


August 09, 2014 • MIT License
Fully customizable slider that allows you to set marks on it. You can set the color of the bar, marks and handler, the width of the marks and even an image for the handler.
AYVibrantButton screenshot


August 09, 2014 • MIT License
AYVibrantButton is a stylish button with iOS 8 vibrancy effect. It is a subclass of UIButton that has a simple yet elegant appearance and built-in support for UIVisualEffectView and UIVibrancyEffec...
MintAnnotationView screenshot


August 08, 2014 • MIT License
UITextViews with name highlighting (mentions) like Facebook for iOS. Animated GIF: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soleaf/MintAnnotationView/master/cs_chatview.gif
MAFormViewController screenshot


August 08, 2014 • MIT License
MAFormViewController is designed to be used in tandem with MATextFieldCells for extremely quick and easy UITableView-based form creation that automatically handles form configuration, formatting, n...
BFPaperCheckbox screenshot


August 08, 2014 • MIT License
iOS Checkboxes inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.