6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

LMComboBox screenshot


August 20, 2015 • BSD License
LMComboBox is a subclass of NSComboBox that provides an easy way to access the underlying NSTableViewDelegate, allowing you to make customizations to the drawing of the items in the NSComboBox.
PARTagPicker screenshot


August 20, 2015 • Unspecified License
This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr.
SJDataTableView screenshot


August 17, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
It moves vertically and horizontally Table
ColorDebugView screenshot


August 17, 2015 • MIT License
ColorDebugView is a simple NSView/UIView which lets you get something up on the screen quickly when roughing out layouts/animations. It displays a translucent rectangle or dot with directional cro...
ZTDropDownTextField screenshot


August 17, 2015 • MIT License
-Provide dropdown suggestions below UITextField -Alternative of UISearchController -Dropdown list will hide automatially, when user tap outside of it -Implemented with AutoLayout, support ...
MaterialControls screenshot


August 14, 2015 • MIT License
In 2014, Google published the Google Material Design with a goal to provide guidelines for good design and beautiful UI across all device form factors. For Android, developers can use default An...
LMGaugeView screenshot


August 12, 2015 • MIT License
LMGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for iOS.
CKWaveCollectionViewTransition screenshot


August 11, 2015 • MIT License
Cool custom transition between UICollectionView's with wave like animation
MultiSelectController screenshot


August 11, 2015 • MIT License
MultiSelectController is useful for making multiple selection with see selection on the top of controller.
Polymer screenshot


August 10, 2015 • MIT License
Endpoint focused networking
SJStackNavigation screenshot


August 10, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
stackNavigationViewController Swipe Gesture
JTSplashView screenshot


August 10, 2015 • MIT License
Create the beautiful splash view. It is designed as a singleton so you do not have to care about instances.
ZSeatSelector screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
Create a Seat Map Layout, also with Objective-C !!
LocationPicker screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
LocationPickerViewController is a UIViewController subclass to let users choose locations by searching or selecting on map. It's designed to work as UIImagePickerController. User can select loca...
PFSystemKit screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
OS X (and - partially - iOS) framework for getting software and hardware informations (such as CPU vendor, RAM size, device model and serial, …) at runtime. Relies on IOKit and SysCtl, as well as o...
TimeScrubber screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
Time scrubber for date selection. Can be used to select date for remote video playing. iOS 7-8, Objective-C, Xcode 6.4. (https://dl.dropbox.com/s/flxvev4qlkt8djx/timescrubber_demo.gif Feature...
DoubleTapButton screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
A button that requires two taps: the first one to activate it and the second one to confirm the action. You can configure the style, and if the first button reacts to swipe or to tap. Also, ...
DOPageControl screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
Replacement for UIPageControl. Written in Swift.
TNImageSliderViewController screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
A Swift image slider component based on UICollectionView
Keyboardy screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
UIViewController extension for convenient keyboard management. Keyboardy extends UIViewController with few simple methods and provides delegate for handling keyboard appearance notifications. ...