6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

DynamicTypeSupportInSwift screenshot


January 02, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
An easy control which support both system and custom fonts with dynamic type. Dynamic type is changing the font size of your app when user changes the font size of system from the settings. It al...
No image provided.


January 02, 2017 • MIT License
Easy to use and lightweight logger in Swift for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
SSYSegmentedControl screenshot


January 02, 2017 • Public Domain License
UISegmentedControl alternative for text titles. Adaptive segment widths, Swift 3.
NHRangeSlider screenshot


January 02, 2017 • MIT License
A custom range slider in Swift with configurable thumbs (circle/square) , label styles
DMSwipeCards screenshot


January 01, 2017 • MIT License
🃏 Tinder like card interface
No image provided.


January 01, 2017 • MIT License
Supercharged transition engine for iOS.
MMTabBarAnimation screenshot


January 01, 2017 • MIT License
Custom TabBar Animation on item
JBDatePicker screenshot


December 31, 2016 • MIT License
JBDatePicker is a UIView subclass that shows a month calendar in which the user can select a date. It's appearance is customizable and it is possible to preselect a date. For the complete API check...
SwiftRichString screenshot


December 31, 2016 • MIT License
Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift
DPColorfulTags-Swift screenshot


December 31, 2016 • MIT License
Random colorful tags in UITableView
Image Carousel screenshot

Image Carousel

December 31, 2016 • Unspecified License
Add an array of images to a view and scroll them.
pencil screenshot


December 30, 2016 • MIT License
Super lightweight DB written in Swift.
JDJellyButton screenshot


December 30, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
JDJellyButton is a high-cutomization navigation Button.
No image provided.


December 30, 2016 • MIT License
Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit. Fully Swift 3 and iOS10 compliant.
LUExpandableTableView screenshot


December 30, 2016 • MIT License
A subclass of `UITableView` with expandable and collapsible sections
No image provided.


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
Tamamushi is an easy to use gradient UINavigationBar written in Swift 3. You can use already defined gradient color sets like Facebook Messenger, YouTube, SoundCloud or other cool gradient color se...
VRDemo-Swift screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
VRDemo-Swift is a 360-degree video player demo which achieved use Swift3.0 and OpenGL ES.
Do.this screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
Do.this is a Swift 3 quick async helper inspired by node.js Async.
KeyboardHideManager screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift.
WOWCheckbox screenshot


December 29, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Highly customisable checkbox in Swift.