6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout screenshot


March 11, 2013 • MIT License
MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout is a UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying chronological data. It divides its cells into columns of days, with the size of each cell corresponding to its len...
Queue screenshot


March 11, 2013 • MIT License
A persistent background job queue for iOS. While NSOperation and NSOperationQueue work well for some repetitive problems and NSInvocation for others, iOS doesn't really include a set of tools f...
Cam screenshot


March 10, 2013 • Apache 2.0 License
A “keep it simple, stupid” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
Storage screenshot


March 10, 2013 • MIT License
In attempting to keep things DRY, EDStorage was created to address the fair amount of boilerplate that often gets created to deal with writing data to disk within iOS applications in a performant m...
IGAutoCompletionToolbar screenshot


March 10, 2013 • MIT License
IGAutoCompletionToolbar is a UICollectionView subclass created to display auto completion via a keyboard accessory view.
SJGeocoder screenshot


March 10, 2013 • Apache 2.0 License
CLGeocoder, but with local search results built-in. No muss, no fuss. (An API-compliant CLGeocoder subclass that adds MKLocalSearch results to geocode queries.)
ADPopupView screenshot


March 09, 2013 • MIT License
ADPopupView is an iOS drop-in class that displays a popup at a custom point in your view. It automatically draws itself according to its current position and parent view bounds. ADPopupView p...
UITableViewZoomController screenshot


March 09, 2013 • MIT License
A UITableViewController subclass that provides a zoom effect as cells appear for the first time (similar in style to Google+ iPhone app)
M13InfiniteTabBar screenshot


March 09, 2013 • MIT License
A fully customizable UITabBar replacement for tab bars with five or more tabs. M13InfiniteTabBar was created to get rid of the "More" button on the UITabBar. Why should have to preform an extra ...
TRAutocompleteView screenshot


March 08, 2013 • BSD License
Autocomplete view attachable to any UITextField. Ships with Google Maps items source and sample cell factory. Can be configured to autocomplete from any source, supports custom cell factory for adv...
Master screenshot


March 08, 2013 • MIT License
- __Description__: An extensible game template of RPG with Location Based Service. Characters in game are distributed in the real world. You'll find & catch different characters in di...
LBGithubStatus screenshot


March 08, 2013 • MIT License
An Objective-C wrapper for GitHub Status API based on AFNetworking.
FPActivityView screenshot


March 08, 2013 • MIT License
A low profile activity indicator. Works great in tableviews. Customize the image to get a color you perfer.
TDRatingScale screenshot


March 08, 2013 • Public Domain License
The TDRatingScale is similar to regular UISlider except that it has some best custom graphics which is more intuitive.The purpose of this custom slider is to provide mechanism for getting input fro...
UzysDragMenu screenshot


March 07, 2013 • MIT License
Drag Menu you can easily open and close using drag gesture. UzysDragMenu features: - Very easy to customize menu view , you can use interface builder. - You can choose drag area (superView...
StaticDataTableViewController screenshot


March 07, 2013 • Apache 2.0 License
This class enables animated hide/show static cells (created in IB, using the option Content : Static cells) for UITableView
ZGPullDragTableView screenshot


March 07, 2013 • MIT License
Awesome TableView Category for Drag and Pull.
MBPullDownController screenshot


March 07, 2013 • MIT License
MBPullDownController, an iOS container view controller for pullable scroll view interfaces. MBPullDownController accepts two view controllers, which it presents one above the other. The front ...
WDActivityIndicator screenshot


March 07, 2013 • MIT License
Custom Activity Indicator View with a simple image animation. Use it to substitute the default UIActivityIndicator. Simple and light usage.
MAHideSlideView screenshot


March 06, 2013 • MIT License
Sliding view with customizable cover background. Hidden view may be an ImageView or a button. Contains a protocol definition for open and close event management.