6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

SHLineGraphView screenshot


April 05, 2014 • MIT License
`SHLineGraphView` is a simple and efficient reusable UIView subview which you can use to create line graphs. It uses Core Graphics and Core Animation to create the light weight graphs. it is easy t...
SUPGridWindow screenshot


April 03, 2014 • MIT License
A grid overlay for iOS apps. Use this during the development of your app to help align your interface to a grid, and easily spot layout issues. It will overlay every view in your app, but not inter...
MWKProgressIndicator screenshot


April 03, 2014 • MIT License
A minimal progress indicator for iOS with status update support. Displays above UINavigationBar and below the Status Bar
COSTouchVisualizer screenshot


April 03, 2014 • MIT License
Visualize touches, pans and long presses on your iPhone or iPad
DateTools screenshot


March 31, 2014 • MIT License
Dates and times made easy in Objective-C
LPBicikeljStationsFunctions screenshot


March 31, 2014 • MIT License
LPBicikeljStationsFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to BicikeLJ http://www.bicikelj.si/
No image provided.


March 31, 2014 • MIT License
LPGoogleFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to certain Google API functions.
LPLjubljanaCarParksFunctions screenshot


March 31, 2014 • MIT License
LPLjubljanaCarParksFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to car parks in Ljubljana. http://www.lpt.si/parkirisca
EXPhotoViewer screenshot


March 30, 2014 • MIT License
A drop-in full screen photo viewer for iOS with zoom, SUPER easy to use, **just one line of code**. It has the "zoom the rest of the app away effect" It works with any UIImageView, just laying aro...
BENTagsView screenshot


March 30, 2014 • MIT License
A simple UIView sublass for displaying a series of tags.
FXForms screenshot


March 29, 2014 • zlib License
FXForms is an Objective-C library for easily creating table-based forms on iOS. It is ideal for settings pages, or user data entry tasks.
FBShimmeringView screenshot


March 29, 2014 • BSD License
An easy way to add a simple shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app, which is particularly useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
CocoaPodUI screenshot


March 29, 2014 • MIT License
XCode plugin that implements CocoaPods GUI.
YLGIFImage screenshot


March 29, 2014 • MIT License
Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory.
MGConferenceDatePicker screenshot


March 29, 2014 • MIT License
MGConferenceDatePicker is an object wich extend a UIView furnishing a very nice type of data picker.
No image provided.


March 28, 2014 • MIT License
Base modal object which uses objective-c runtime to populate the instance variables (ivars and properties) of User created Modal from NSDictionary objects.
SimpleChat screenshot


March 28, 2014 • MPL License
An easy to use bubble chat UI as an alternative to the traditional iOS talk bubbles.
TBMInspectorView screenshot


March 28, 2014 • MIT License
TBMInspectorView is a copy of the Xcode 5's inspector view. It is pretty easy to setup and should be set as the documentView of a NSScrollView.
RestKit-InExtensions screenshot


March 28, 2014 • MIT License
Helpers to use RestKit with less code, just a simple plist file.
NXVLogFormatter screenshot


March 27, 2014 • MIT License
Simple custom CocoaLumberjack log