6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

StringScore_Swift screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
Swift string ranking 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825 StringScore_Swift is a Swift library which provides fast fuzzy string matching/scoring. Based on ...
KMPlaceholderTextView screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
SingleLineTextField screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
A single line textfield implementation that uses the same style of the [telegram website](https://web.telegram.org) - Custom text field with a single line - Place holder animation like telegram...
KGFloatingDrawer screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
A floating drawer style navigation. KGFloatingDrawer provides a unique twist on the nav drawer pattern using interesting animations to present the content in the "drawer". KGFloatingDrawer is a rei...
HCSStarRatingView screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C HCSStarRatingView is a UIControl subclass to easily provide users with a basic star-rating interface. It supports all device resolutions...
YLSwipeLockView screenshot


March 06, 2015 • MIT License
a swipe password view to unlock an application written in objective-c.
MCCardPickerCollectionViewController screenshot


March 05, 2015 • MIT License
A card collection view controller inspired by Facebook People you may know page.
STZPopupView screenshot


March 05, 2015 • MIT License
Customizable simple popup view in iOS
MKInputBoxView screenshot


March 05, 2015 • MIT License
A tiny replacement for UIAlertView w/ text views. Based on BMInputView.
SwiftEventBus screenshot


March 05, 2015 • MIT License
SwiftEventBus is a publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
NSString-ZENInflections screenshot


March 05, 2015 • MIT License
Returns camelCased, UpperCamelCased, dashed-case, snake_cased representations of an NSString
WBWebViewConsole screenshot


March 04, 2015 • BSD License
In-App debug console for your UIWebView & WKWebView
YAProvisioningProfile screenshot


March 04, 2015 • MIT License
Helper class for easily exploring the contents of a .mobileprovisioningprofile
RNLoadingButton screenshot


March 04, 2015 • MIT License
An easy-to-use UIButton subclass that implements a activity inticator with aligment options.
RNLoadingButton-Swift screenshot


March 04, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
An easy-to-use UIButton subclass with an activity indicator
TWControls screenshot


March 04, 2015 • MIT License
TWControls is a project that attempts to provide an easy-to-use API to perform actions based on user interaction (SpriteKit). It provides controls like Buttons and Switches. Is written in pure S...
CDFInitialsAvatar screenshot


March 03, 2015 • MIT License
Simple to use initials avatar generator. Great for avatar placeholders and such.
LRRepositoryPattern screenshot


March 03, 2015 • MIT License
An iOS example app based on the repository pattern and Typhoon DI framework
LRImageManager screenshot


March 03, 2015 • MIT License
Objective-C simple image manager with memory and disk cache support
LRNotificationObserver screenshot


March 03, 2015 • MIT License
A smarter, simpler and better way to use NSNotificationCenter with RAII