6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

react-native-sqlite-storage screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
A React Native plugin allowing native access to SQLite database on iOS. Supports single statement and batch transactions.
materialView screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Unspecified License
Extension for UIView. Class support two type of animation: show (present) and tap (touch). Very easy for use
TransitionManager screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Unspecified License
Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.
Circular-PickerView screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
Very simple picker which allow you to select value within certain limits
Notification-AlertView screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
'NotificationAlertView' allow you to show any view as popup notification with cube transform. Developed for easy extension and flexible integration.
TagListView screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Unspecified License
Simple Tag List View Container in Swift
HTYTextField screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
A UITextField with bouncy placeholder.
FloatingActionSheetController screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
FloatingActionSheetController is a cool design ActionSheetController library written in Swift2.
Hamburger Menu Button screenshot

Hamburger Menu Button

November 11, 2015 • MIT License
A animated hamburger menu button with full customization. Inspired by VinhLe's idea on the Dribble (https://dribbble.com/shots/1626236-Dribbble-Menu)
JGTapButton screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
Custom @IBDesignable button for Interface Builder that doesn't require any coding
StepSlider screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
StepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset integer values. Its based on drawing directlyon CAShapeLayer.
JHColorPicker screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
A custom color picker for iOS that also includes swatches from Crayola, Pantone, and Chameleon Flat colors
EPContactsPicker screenshot


November 11, 2015 • MIT License
A contacts picker component for iOS written in swift using new contacts framwork
ios-charts screenshot


November 11, 2015 • Unspecified License
An iOS port of the beautiful MPAndroidChart. - Beautiful charts for iOS apps!
No image provided.


November 09, 2015 • Unspecified License
TVButton screenshot


November 09, 2015 • MIT License
Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift). The effect is triggered by long pressing or dragging.
No image provided.


November 09, 2015 • Unspecified License
Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
DRParallaxView screenshot


November 09, 2015 • MIT License
Multilayer parallax view for iOS (like tvOS app icon)
KGNAutoLayout screenshot


November 09, 2015 • Unspecified License
Understandable AutoLayout wrapper that makes using AutoLayout in code easy.
SCTrelloNavigation screenshot


November 09, 2015 • GPL License
An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navagation. See more at https://dribbble.com/shots/2114816-Trello-Navigation. iOS上类似trello的导航动效控件实现。