6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

MOHUD screenshot


June 29, 2016 • MIT License
A simple HUD to indicate activity, success, and failure.
EasyLayout screenshot


June 29, 2016 • MIT License
EasyLayout is an AutoLayout library like Masonry but more. Just for fun :)
PanelController screenshot


June 29, 2016 • MIT License
Controller component to add panels on both side of the screen.
OMCircularProgress screenshot


June 29, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Custom circular progress UIControl with steps, images, text and individual animations.
OMShadingGradientLayer screenshot


June 29, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Shading gradient layer with animatable properties
No image provided.


June 29, 2016 • MIT License
VeeContactPicker screenshot


June 28, 2016 • MIT License
A replacement for the (bugged) iOS ABPeoplePickerNavigationController, with contacts' images
No image provided.


June 28, 2016 • MIT License
add text(multiple line support) to imageView, edit, rotate or resize them as you want, then render the text on image
UITableViewDynamicCell screenshot


June 28, 2016 • MIT License
Simple to add "Pull to refresh" and "Load more" into your UITableView
Reductio screenshot


June 28, 2016 • MIT License
Automatic summarizer text in Swift
Calendar Time Selector screenshot

Calendar Time Selector

June 28, 2016 • MIT License
An Android themed date-time selector. Select date and time with this highly customizable selector. WWCalendarTimeSelector is a component that will make help your users select date or dates intuitiv...
MarkedView screenshot


June 28, 2016 • MIT License
The MarkedView is the markdown text viewer
AWCollectionViewSlidingDoors screenshot


June 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Custom UICollectionViewLayout to create a slick vertical sliding effect with a focus view. In this implementation the focus effect will start at the top of the screen with the first cell and slowly...
SVGPathSerializing screenshot


June 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
A simple toolkit for reading reading/writing/drawing bezier paths to/from SVG. Only the path, polygon, & rectangle elements are supported. The goal of this project is not to be a fully compatibl...
TransitKit screenshot


June 27, 2016 • MIT License
easy custom ios transition
ZHDatePicker screenshot


June 27, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
A simple custom iOS date picker.
AlertBar screenshot


June 27, 2016 • MIT License
An easy alert on status bar
CSSColors screenshot


June 27, 2016 • MIT License
UIColor extension for rgb initializer and CSS Color names.
XXXTabbarController screenshot


June 27, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
A tabbar controller based UIViewController with special user interaction and design.
Restofire screenshot


June 27, 2016 • MIT License
Restofire is a protocol oriented networking abstraction layer in swift that is built on top of Alamofire to use services in a declartive way