6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView screenshot


August 29, 2015 • MIT License
ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView is check visible cells position. And setting cell's scale and alpha. [Github here]( https://github.com/ikemai/ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView)
PDMenu screenshot


August 29, 2015 • MIT License
Animated drop down menu written in Swift 2.0
CalculatorKeyboard screenshot


August 28, 2015 • MIT License
Custom Input View that mimics a calculator keyboard for fast number input and mathematical operations
JCBounceButton screenshot


August 28, 2015 • MIT License
Button that does bounce effect once it has been pressed
GNTickerButton screenshot


August 28, 2015 • MIT License
Inspired by the Layout app by Instagram, this is a UIButton subclass with a ticker that spins around as desired.
IGSwitch screenshot


August 28, 2015 • MIT License
Customisable and interactive switch based on UIControl and written in Swift.
CheckmarkSegmentedControl screenshot


August 28, 2015 • MIT License
CheckmarkSegmentedControl is a customisable alternative to UISegmentedControl. Visually it looks like radio buttons group with checkmark sign in the middle and animated border on selection. Each op...
GPSafeSwiftPointer screenshot


August 27, 2015 • MIT License
A framework containing a safe wrapper for UnsafeMutablePointer with integer to byte array generics.
SIFloatingCollection screenshot


August 26, 2015 • MIT License
SIFloatingCollection is a component that provides logic similar to Apple Music genres selection.
ARNZoomImageTransition screenshot


August 25, 2015 • MIT License
Custom image zooming animation transition & interactive transition. (Swift lang)
GradientSlider screenshot


August 25, 2015 • MIT License
GradientSlider is a UIControl subclass which is similar to UISlider, but with a linear gradient coloring the slider’s track. Useful for creating color pickers. It is written in Swift. Features: ...
SwiftLocation screenshot


August 25, 2015 • MIT License
SwiftLocation is a simple 100% Swift wrapper around CoreLocation. Use Location services has never been easier and you can do it with your favourite language. Let me show the best features of the li...
JTMaterialSpinner screenshot


August 24, 2015 • MIT License
An iOS spinner view based on material design
Popover screenshot


August 21, 2015 • MIT License
Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
ColorDebugView screenshot


August 17, 2015 • MIT License
ColorDebugView is a simple NSView/UIView which lets you get something up on the screen quickly when roughing out layouts/animations. It displays a translucent rectangle or dot with directional cro...
CKWaveCollectionViewTransition screenshot


August 11, 2015 • MIT License
Cool custom transition between UICollectionView's with wave like animation
JTSplashView screenshot


August 10, 2015 • MIT License
Create the beautiful splash view. It is designed as a singleton so you do not have to care about instances.
ZSeatSelector screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
Create a Seat Map Layout, also with Objective-C !!
LocationPicker screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
LocationPickerViewController is a UIViewController subclass to let users choose locations by searching or selecting on map. It's designed to work as UIImagePickerController. User can select loca...
DoubleTapButton screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
A button that requires two taps: the first one to activate it and the second one to confirm the action. You can configure the style, and if the first button reacts to swipe or to tap. Also, ...