Simple Toast iOS
January 31, 2022 • Apache 2.0 License
Your open-source, super simple toast view for iOS. Rename and use it however you want.
September 19, 2020 • MIT License
Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message at the bottom of the screen. Snackbars contain up to two lines of text directly related to the operation performed. They may co...
December 23, 2017 • MIT License
An iOS implementation of the Snackbar concept, as used extensively in Android as well as many Google iOS apps such as Gmail
August 06, 2016 • MIT License
HJToast is a customised library for Toast or SnackBar, that comes with powerful feature of accessory views. It can be used to display the short messages or events over the view.
July 12, 2016 • MIT License
A simple iOS library to show Toast/Snackbar messages with action handler
No image provided.
June 24, 2016 • MIT License
MJSnackBar is a pure Swift implementation of the Android SnackBar which is very useful to display short informations and allows user to perform an action about it. It automatically disappear after ...
November 04, 2015 • MIT License
An iOS implementation of the Snackbar concept, a discrete, actionable alert, as used extensively in Android as well as some Google iOS apps such as Gmail
August 14, 2015 • MIT License
In 2014, Google published the Google Material Design with a goal to provide guidelines for good design and beautiful UI across all device form factors.
For Android, developers can use default An...