Search results for floating

FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI screenshot


May 24, 2020 • MIT License
FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI is a small and lightweight SwiftUI framework written in completely swiftUI (not using UIViewRepresentable) that allows to create beautiful and customisable floating la...
BSFloatListView screenshot


February 16, 2019 • MIT License
Boring floating list view. get to see how it works by the link below. gif URL :
GBFloatingTextField screenshot


December 28, 2018 • Apache 2.0 License
GBFloatingTextField is a class of UITextField which helps to create Floating Placeholder. It also contains GBFloatingTextView. Which have same functionality like GBFloatingTextField. It also have p...
AAFloatingButton screenshot


December 17, 2018 • Apache 2.0 License
AAFloatingButton is floating action button component of material design for iOS. It has ripple effect same as per the material design.
FloatingPanel screenshot


October 18, 2018 • MIT License
A easy-to-use bottom sheet UI like Apple Maps, Stocks and Shortcuts for iOS
JJFloatingActionButton screenshot


October 16, 2018 • MIT License
material-design floating action button
RMFloatingAction screenshot


August 21, 2018 • MIT License
Dynamic positioning Android like floating action button, Available on cococapods
HHFloatingView screenshot


October 21, 2017 • MIT License
An easy to use and setup floating view for your app. 🎡
FloatingView screenshot


May 29, 2017 • MIT License
Floating View is a view on top of all views. you can have navigation controller, Tabbar contoller or anything. it goes on top of everyview and will be presented everywhere.
No image provided.


April 07, 2017 • MIT License
DTTextField is a UITextField library with floating placeholder and error label underneath textfield. CocoaPods and SPM support added.
AppleMusicAnimation screenshot


March 29, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
AppleMusicAnimation (Similar like apple music genre section screen) is a component which you can use to create a pool of subviews which can animated and will use physicis to animate on siwpe
Magnetic screenshot


March 27, 2017 • MIT License
SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music)
FNReactionsView screenshot


March 25, 2017 • MIT License
FNReactionsView is a customizable control (based on UIView) to give people a way to show floating emoji like facebook does during live stream, easy way.
FCChatHeads screenshot


November 22, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Library to use chat heads within your iOS app with complete physics and animations which drive multi user chat behaviour to support collapsed/stacked or expanded states.
No image provided.


November 22, 2016 • MIT License
That's a FloatingActionButton and you can set its position with autolayout
FCChatHeads screenshot


November 19, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Library to use chat heads within your iOS app with complete physics and animations which drive multi user chat behaviour to support collapsed/stacked or expanded states.
MIFab screenshot


October 29, 2016 • MIT License
A simple fully customizable floating action button with options
PDFloraButton screenshot


October 26, 2016 • MIT License
Use PDFloraButton.swift class to add flora button over any view using minimum lines of code. You can add images also to the surrounding buttons by sending an array of images string. Hence! let you ...
No image provided.


July 27, 2016 • MIT License
Textfield thats float the Placeholders. This Control is available in Objective C and Swift as well.
TextInputLayout screenshot


July 20, 2016 • Unspecified License
TextInputLayout, Easy to integrate to your swift project. You can use direction( up/ down) as per your layout