Weekly Roundup

Aaron Brethorst, October 30, 2012

Hi everyone – We’re hosting a free webinar entitled Introduction to UIAutomation this morning (Monday, October 29) at 9AM Pacific/12PM Eastern. Come to http://www.cocoacontrols.com/posts/uiautomation-webinar-on-monday-9am-pacific to find the live video feed.

Edit: this already happened! Read all about it and find a video elsewhere on the blog!

I’ll be talking about different forms of testing, UIAccessibility, UIAutomation, and how making your apps testable will help make them accessible to visually impaired users.

Come swing by, we’d love to see you! Also, if you can’t make it for whatever reason, we’ll be recording the session and making it available for later viewing.


HHTabListController – Vertical tab view controller

HHTabListController is an implementation of a tab controller where tabs are listed in a table view hidden behind the active view controller.

The list of tabs may be revealed using a swipe gesture or by touching a button.

Visually the implementation is similar to the sliding menu or navigation bar seen in many iOS applications. To my knowledge the idea was pioneered by the Facebook app.

The HHTabListController implementation was written for the ACTPrinter 4.0 application.

The code presented here is identical to the one used in the shipped product.

BSD licensed.

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HHPanningTableViewCell – Swipe to reveal

Our control of the week, HHPanningTableViewCell, was written by the prolific and talented Pierre Bernard of Houdah Software.

HHPanningTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell implementing “swipe to reveal” a drawer view. Such a view typically holds action buttons applying to the current row.

This behavior is seen in a number of iOS applications. To my knowledge the idea was pioneered by Loren Brichter for Tweetie (aka Twitter for iPhone).

The HHPanningTableViewCell implementation was written for the ACTPrinter 4.0 application.
The code presented here is identical to the one used in the shipped product.

BSD licensed.

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Custom Map Annotation

A demonstration of customizing the callout bubble of an MKAnnotationView.

MIT licensed.

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Survey : Simple iOS Form Creation and Management

Survey is a lightweight library for creating forms for iOS, inspired by Django forms and Core Data

BSD licensed.

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Add some depth to the traditional modal/alert view with RNBlurModalView. Calling the view is incredibly similar to setting up and showing a UIAlertView. You can also setup your own custom views and display them with a blurry background. The goal is to truly draw the user’s focus directly to your alert using natural effects. Supported for all iOS devices and orientations.

MIT licensed.

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CNGridView is a (wanna be) replacement for NSCollectionView. It has full delegate and dataSource support with method calls like known from NSTableView/UITableView.

MIT licensed.

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