Weekly Roundup: Memories of Safari

Aaron Brethorst, April 13, 2014

Once upon a time, Apple was no longer a "beleagured" computer maker, but also was not yet the world's most valuable maker of computers and consumer electronics. Mac OS X was downright lickable, and you'd use Internet Explorer 5 for Mac to browse the web from your toilet seat-looking iBook (mine ran at an acceptable 300MHz) while listening to MP3s downloaded from the recently defunct Napster. Maybe you'd burn some of them to CD to listen to on your Discman. Mac OS X's developer documentation was so spotty that seemingly every page of it had a link on it that read "for more information, visit the Omni Group website."

When Safari was announced at MacWorld Expo 2003, I was visiting my sister in Geneva, and had long-since traded in my Discman for a 5GB iPod that astonishingly put "1000 songs in [my] pocket." It was pretty obvious that the iPod was not "lame" as someone once infamously remarked, but was in fact the best way to listen to music. I downloaded the Safari public beta and was absolutely blown away by how ridiculously fast it was. Apple was not yet king of the hill, but it was pretty obvious that they were in ascendancy (although to where, exactly, wasn't clear for another several years).

Don Melton, once the head of Safari at Apple, published a wonderful article on his blog this past week about his experiences with Steve Jobs, and includes a number of anecdotes starting from 2001. It's a relatively lengthy read, but I think you'll find it to be well worth your time.

Until next time,

What We're Reading

Control of the Week



PWParallaxScrollView is a library that provides a simple way to implement a Windows Phone Panorama-style parallax container.

MIT licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



UIViewController which provide navigation via a side bar.

Side bar items are to select view controller and manage also actions buttons.

MIT licensed.

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Objective-C Category for routing methods depending a specified type

MIT licensed.

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A virus game for iOS with two artificial intelligence types and depth (min-max | alpha-beta).

Made for iPhone 5 / iOS 6, fully working in iOS 7.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Amazing options button for your UITabBar, with very beautiful dynamic animation. Pimp your tabBar You saw Yelp® app and impressed by the central button animtaion ? Now you can have even better aniamation and feel by using BROptionsButton. BROptionsButton uses the power of UIDynamics to make animation very realastic and beautiful.

MIT licensed.

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Simple category to draw on UIImageView. You can draw on a existent image or you can draw on a blank image. There are many methods (to change color, brush, to erase, etc..).

MIT licensed.

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A binary toggle button that looks like the iOS7 toolbar toggles. This button draws a rounded-rect button that fills in when selected.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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BRFlabbyTable is a set of classes that allow you to add a bouncy and distorted effect on a cell frame while the table is scrolling. The "flabbiness" of the cells is based on the speed of scrolling. Upon pressing and dragging, the highlighted cell grows around the touch area.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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The vote counter used at Topic: a circular or linear shaped view where you animate the angle changes, used at Topic app to set the vote count of a post

MIT licensed.

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YCameraviewController is a custom image picker controller that allows you to quickly switch between Camera and iPhone Photo Library. This controller is only useful for capturing square images.

MIT licensed.

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Weather Around (YQL DEMO)

Weather Around (YQL DEMO)

Weather Around (YQL Demo) application is to show how to use YQL in iOS and parse and display data from JSON format. Also, it include sample for GPS location. User can input multiple cities name to get weather information repectively by passing SQL like querry to YQL API

GPL licensed.

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Rounded async imageview downloader based on AFNetworking 2 and lightly cached

MIT licensed.

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UIImageView category/subclass for playing GIF. Simple, high performance, low memory footprint.

MIT licensed.

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LPPopupListView is custom popup component for iOS with table for single or multiple selection.

MIT licensed.

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Easy to integrate 2D sliding panel

MIT licensed.

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It`s just a simple and flat Digital Clock.

BSD licensed.

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INTULocationManager makes it easy to get the device's current location on iOS.

MIT licensed.

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A Memory Efficient Drop In Replacement / Alternative for the Native UIImagePicker Camera

MPL licensed.

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JMOTableViewDescription is an Objective-C library for easily creating and manage complex structured tableView.

MIT licensed.

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A simple compass that points towards the direction of a custom geo-location that you can specify by providing latitude and longitude of the location.

MIT licensed.

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A drop-in UITableView replacement to reorder cells with long press on any part of the cell.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Split View Controller (like Settings app) for iOS

MIT licensed.

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TKScroller is a simple iOS app with UIScrollView + UIPagecontrol , TKScroller can display one or more images , Create Tutorail screen , Show Text Details + show different viewcontrollers views,Web & Local Photos mPhotos can be zoomed and panned. The browser can also be used to allow the user to share image to social networking sites from main detail image view.

MIT licensed.

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Effective use of AVSpeechSynthesizer

  1. Simple way to integrate the AVSpeechsynthesizer into your app.

  2. Instead of delgate method it provides block methods.

  3. Apart from simple usage it can auto detect the language of given string and read.

  4. It can higlight currently reading word.

  5. It also throw currently reading word with their langauge.

  6. It can auto scroll the page if once reached bottom of the text box.

  7. It can read all languages which is supported by AVSpeechSynthesizer

  8. It can list all supported langauages and their country name

License unspecified.

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Parameterized implementation of XCTestCase.

MIT licensed.

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A resizable map overlay.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Simple iCloud file managment. Read, write, load, list files across devices.


iOS 5.1 (minimum for iCloud) ARC/Non ARC

MIT licensed.

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Gamify is a control that lets you easily add gamification elements to your app.

MIT licensed.

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A Login view with video as background and blur effect.

I made it for a school project. I hope it will be useful/inspirational for someone else :)

Easy to use as a modalview at app launch for example.

Performance improvements coming soon.


MIT licensed.

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Build routes without strings and headache.

Example based on a GitHub API routes

NSURL *orgsURL = router().users.add(@"AlexDenisov").orgs.URL;
// NSURL: /users/AlexDenisov/orgs
NSString *fullOrgPath = router().root.orgs.add(@"Railsware").path;
// NSString: https://api.github.com/orgs/Railsware

MIT licensed.

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A handy counter & view that counts down with a circular animation.

MIT licensed.

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Don't mess with NSRanges anymore; Mark up your strings for quick attributes

Imagine what you can now do with push notifications by bolding or italicizing words in the payload!

Or imagine how you can create stylized descriptions and instructions on your UILabels!

So many things can be done so quickly with HTMLAttributedString

Public Domain licensed.

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MultiProductViewer implements a GUI for displaying multiple App Store products in a scrolling list. By tapping on a product, the user is taken to a page where they can see more info about the app and purchase it, using SKStoreProductViewController.


This functionality was originally (in iOS 5 and iOS 6) implemented by SKStoreProductViewController itself. You could just pass it your company identifier, and it would present all of your company's products in a list, and let the user drill down to get more info and purchase apps. Starting with iOS 7, that functionality is no longer supported, so we wrote this class to add it back.

What it does:

Not content with just imitating the old behavior, we've improved it by showing a larger icon, and giving the user the ability to include a small piece of text for each app. In this way, you can give a little more info on the list view. Also, we let you pick exactly which apps you want to show, and group them together.

MIT licensed.

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DEInfiniteTileMarqueeView is a self-contained widget that takes an image, tiles it horizontally or vertically, and makes the tiles scroll forever. Great for futuristic UI effects (or a marquee screensaver). Both IB and programmatic friendly.

MIT licensed.

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