Well, WWDC is over, we have a lot of exciting stuff on the horizon with [redacted] and [redacted], and a bunch of cool, new Mac hardware is now available too! (My new MacBook Air is supposed to be arriving tomorrow; can’t wait!)
If you didn’t hear, we recently launched a bunch of new features, like accounts and favorites. Personally, I’m especially excited about favorites. I originally built Cocoa Controls to track all of the cool open source iOS components I ran across, but now that the database of components is into four digits, having a way to winnow the list is incredibly helpful.
Demonstrates how to move a graphical object along a bezier path in iOS.
Licensing: BSD (New)
SGTabsViewController is a container view controller which shows tabs for each view like Mobile Safari does. This controls looks best on an iPad sized screen.
Licensing: Apache 2.0
I know you’ve seen view controllers that mimic the Path/Facebook view controller reveal effect before. What differentiates our control of the week, PPRevealSideViewController, is that it appears to be ridiculously easy to use. This is a container controller for presenting side views like in the Path or Facebook applications. It is really simple to use, like a UINavigationController. It works on both iPhone and iPad, is really easy to setup and lot of options are available.
Licensing: MIT
Find out more, or check it out on YouTube first:
Influenced by the UI of the Twitter and Soundcloud iPad apps, Factis Research designed a new navigation concept for their product, Checkpad MED. FRLayeredNavigationController is the foundation for this new UI. They also have a blog post up that describes how the component works.
Licensing: BSD
A progress view which shows its progress in a pie-chart.
Licensing: Custom