Weekly Roundup 10/24 - 10/30

Aaron Brethorst, November 01, 2011

Hi folks, welcome to another weekly roundup. We have some snazzy controls for your perusal this week, but, far more importantly, you may have noticed that Facebook comments are gone, dead, finished, shuffled off this mortal coil. Sorry it took literally months to make that happen :)

As long promised, Facebook comments have been replaced by Disqus comments on every page of the site. I’ve even ported over all of the Facebook comments into the new system, so we don’t lose any of the conversations that have taken place. Exciting, huh?

All the best,


One of our new commercial controls, ALNavigationController gives you the ability to customize the height, background color/image, or shape of the navigation bar.

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Infinite Horizontal Scroll

This GPL-licensed control is super-handy for building—you guessed it—an infinitely scrolling horizontal experience.

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This control lets you add a special ‘unlock’ pattern to your application. Far cooler than requiring your users to enter a PIN, this is sure to differentiate your app from everyone else’s.

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Color Picker for iPhone

I know, it’s a color picker. How many new takes can there possibly be on an iOS color picker that you haven’t seen before? But, I swear, this is one of the cooler ones I’ve seen before. Check it out!

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