6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

WToast screenshot


May 25, 2011 • Public Domain License
Info messages for iOS inspired by Android Toast object.
ZBGridController screenshot


May 24, 2011 • Unspecified License
A grid view with support for zooming, flipping animated-in view controllers.
Stackcordion screenshot


May 23, 2011 • CC BY-SA 3.0 License
Mimics the UI of Twitter for iPad.
ANColorPicker screenshot


May 23, 2011 • Unspecified License
Use this simple colour picker to get colors that a user picks. The color picker must be a certain size, and requires several images files in the bundle's package contents.
MAWeekView screenshot


May 22, 2011 • Unspecified License
A weekly view for viewing events, displays a whole week. Navigation using the arrows on the top of the view or using the swipe gesture.
MADayView screenshot


May 22, 2011 • Unspecified License
MADayView is a daily view for displaying events.
CHViewControllerSwitcher screenshot


May 21, 2011 • MIT License
A replacement for UITabBarController, with useful features. It allows you to create your own selection interface with UI-components. It allows you to use just some part of the window, not the full-...
ELCSlider screenshot


May 20, 2011 • MIT License
A subclass of UISlider to use with iPad that includes a UIPopover Scrubber showing the value as it changes.
ZPopoverController screenshot


May 20, 2011 • Unspecified License
Easy way to handle UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet and UIAlertView for iOS.
RadioButton screenshot


May 20, 2011 • Unspecified License
A native radio button implementation for iOS.
Custom callout screenshot

Custom callout

May 19, 2011 • MIT License
Custom callout on a map.
CiExpandableTabBar screenshot


May 18, 2011 • MIT License
ExpandableTabBar is an iOS custom tab bar control. Its behavior emulates the system tab bar with the addition of supporting multiple rows.
APSplitViewController screenshot


May 17, 2011 • Unspecified License
Custom UISplitViewController for iPad. Features: it always keeps both sides visible; it's always launched in the Portrait but it's rotated to any direction properly; each side contains UINavigation...
TabBarKit screenshot


May 17, 2011 • BSD License
A flexible Tab Bar implementation for iPhone and iPad.
StackScrollView screenshot


May 16, 2011 • Unspecified License
StackScrollView project is a demo app for creating view like twitter app for ipad, created by the mobile development team at raw engineering. It supports: Orientation (both Landscape & Portrait), S...
JPButton screenshot


May 16, 2011 • Unspecified License
UIButton subclass that looks like a pushable keyboard button.
SlidingTabs screenshot


May 15, 2011 • Unspecified License
Sliding tabs UI element for iPhone resembling the tabbing control used in Gowalla.
StyledPageControl screenshot


May 14, 2011 • MIT License
StyledPageControl works just like UIPageControl in iOS, but more customizable. You can change the colors, gap width, diameter and style.
NLFetchedResultsTable screenshot


May 14, 2011 • CC BY 3.0 License
A small open-source class that helps you quickly create and configure a UITableViewController that is backed by an NSFetchedResultsController. This is code I use in a lot of my projects, and have e...
NAMapKit screenshot


May 13, 2011 • MIT License
Allows you to use custom maps in iphone applications and attempts to mimics some of the behaviour of the MapKit framework.