Stay in touch
January 13, 2012 • MIT License
KNPathTableViewController is an UITableViewController with an customizable overlay panel that shows up when you scroll, inspired by Path app.
It is meant to be simple and flexible that can be ea...
January 12, 2012 • MIT License
A 2D table view for iOS apps! Demo available at
January 11, 2012 • MIT License
Generic UIImageView subclass designed to load and play Motion-JPEG streams such as commonly used with IP cameras, etc.
January 10, 2012 • BSD License
UAModalPanel is an alternative modal panel that you can popup in your view controllers to show content that might not need an entire new screen to show. It works on the iPhone and iPad, with or wit...
January 09, 2012 • MIT License
This is an alternate to EGORefreshTableView that uses a gesture recognizer instead of UIScrollView's delegate.
January 09, 2012 • MIT License
Snapshot Stack View cocoa touch class decorates your UIImage's for presentation to the user with matte border, drop shadows and simulated stack of physical photos.
January 06, 2012 • MIT License
Custom UIPickerView controller reconstruction allows you to customize the graphics (background, shadow, selector) just replace those files with your own:
* pickerBackground.png
January 06, 2012 • MIT License
This is a custom UILabel view controller for iOS that works just like a regular UILabel, except allow to the user to tap on certains words.
January 04, 2012 • MIT License
This class largely implements the sliding views found in the Path 2.0 and Facebook apps.
The ViewDeckController supports sideview in all directions (left, right, top, bottom), in any combination...
January 02, 2012 • MIT License
For everyone who has pulled their hair out trying to use MPMediaPickerController!
This is a replacement library for MPMediaPickerController. It provides a user interface that is much closer to t...
December 31, 2011 • Custom License
Easily publish videos to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr.
December 29, 2011 • MIT License
A UI Element that hovers beside the scroll bar of a UITableView (Mimicking the Path app).
December 28, 2011 • MIT License
Introducing PKRevealController 2 - The second version of one of the most popular view controller containers for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another. It is easy t...
December 27, 2011 • MIT License
An iOS UIView subclass that displays a stacked bar chart either horizontally or vertically (default).
December 25, 2011 • MIT License
CIDoorwaySegue is a port of MFDoorwayTransition to iOS 5's storyboard segues.
December 24, 2011 • Apache 2.0 License
SSCheckBoxView is a check box UI control for iOS apps. It provides standard check box functionality with two states (checked and unchecked) and 5 different visual styles.
Web Browser View Controller
December 22, 2011 • MIT License
iPhone apps often have the need to show a web page, and the easiest way to implement this is to have the page opened in Safari. The problem with this, is that now your customer is stuck in Safari, ...