Stay in touch
October 21, 2019 • Apache 2.0 License
When we are working on apps which have lot of sensitive information (like Banking etc). We should be a lot of careful about strings. There is nice write up why (
No image provided.
October 20, 2019 • MIT License
iCimulator allows us to use camera functions on iOS Simulator. (Without any changes in your code)
October 17, 2019 • MIT License
Access Dark Mode-compatible colors on iOS 13 and their earlier equivalents through a single API.
Semantic Colors - Dark Mode Helper
October 10, 2019 • MIT License
View all of iOS 13's semantic colors—used for Dark Mode—in a table.
October 09, 2019 • MIT License
SwiftUI library to easily render diagrams given a tree of objects. Similar to ring chart, sunburst chart, multilevel pie chart.
October 08, 2019 • MIT License
UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
SwiftUI Examples
October 07, 2019 • MIT License
Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.
No image provided.
October 06, 2019 • MIT License
I loved the way payments app's like Google pay and PhonePe used scratch card option to reward it's user. Hence with 💛 cloned the same scratch card effect for you guys out there
October 01, 2019 • MIT License
🧸 StylableNavigationBar provide a lightweight replacement for a standard UINavigationController, so you can easily manage your navigation and status bar styles throughout your iOS app
September 29, 2019 • MIT License
A library that provides counter label component that can be added as a subview to a view or can be used as a keyboard accessory view