Stay in touch
June 16, 2020 • MIT License
PRGTipView is a drop-in solution for adding onboarding tips to your apps.
June 15, 2020 • MIT License
OverlappingViewsSeparator is a library for separate overlapping views.
June 12, 2020 • MIT License
Strongly-typed UserDefaults with Codable support, key observation, and SwiftUI support.
June 11, 2020 • MIT License
The ultimate spinning wheel that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
June 08, 2020 • Apache 2.0 License
iOS Native style action sheet with the option of showing icons. It is a complete implementation and does not use any private api of UIKit.
June 06, 2020 • MIT License
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View, Product Show, Welcome/Guide Pages, Screen/ViewController Sliders.
June 03, 2020 • MIT License
Lightweight generic library to build table and collection views in a declarative type-safe style
June 02, 2020 • MIT License
SwiftUI Package supporting "Form Validation"
It uses the SwiftUI paradigm to add validation capabilities to TextField
Crypto SHA 256 512 224 384
May 31, 2020 • GPL License
Behind the abbreviation SHA256, SHA512, SHA224 and SHA384 hides a function that forms the heart of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash or Bytecoin. This so-called hash function belongs t...
Expandable List
May 30, 2020 • MIT License
A Swift UI skeleton project that demonstrates an expanding and collapsing list
May 28, 2020 • MIT License
This UI attempts to capture the Quibi Card Stack and the associated User Interaction.
May 25, 2020 • MIT License
Objective-C SDK to implement Addon Payments Pay Platform in your iOS project.
May 24, 2020 • MIT License
FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI is a small and lightweight SwiftUI framework written in completely swiftUI (not using UIViewRepresentable) that allows to create beautiful and customisable floating la...