6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

Rebel screenshot


January 06, 2013 • MIT License
Rebel is a framework to make AppKit easier to work with, using categories to fix bugs and make APIs nicer, and new classes to perform common tasks.
RFOverlayScrollView screenshot


January 04, 2013 • MIT License
RFOverlayScrollView is an NSScrollView subclass that shows its NSScroller in iOS style even when a mouse is attached.
LinenClipView screenshot


November 27, 2012 • MIT License
Adds a linen pattern behind scrollviews like in Apple's Lion apps.
KBButton screenshot


November 13, 2012 • MIT License
An OS X button adapted from BButton. Adds Twitter Bootstrap style buttons to OS X
BFPageControl screenshot


August 30, 2012 • MIT License
A page control for the Mac. It's usage is similar to that of UIPageControl (iOS).
DMInspectorPalette screenshot


July 27, 2012 • MIT License
DMInspectorPalette is an NSScrollView that supports dynamic loading of NSView grouped by section as like in XCode Inspector Window. You can collapse or expand an item in order to hide or show it's...
JFImageSavePanel screenshot


June 26, 2012 • MIT License
NSSavePanel wrapper for image save dialogs, similar to those in Preview.app.
MKPopoverColorWell screenshot


June 23, 2012 • MIT License
A better looking NSColorWell, with a simple popover color picker.
DMTabBar screenshot


June 21, 2012 • MIT License
DMTabBar is a simple segmented control / bar that mimics the XCode 4 Inspector segmented control.
DHHighlightedWebView screenshot


May 13, 2012 • MIT License
Drop-in WebView subclass that adds Safari-style in-page search-result highlighting.
JUEmptyView screenshot


May 13, 2012 • MIT License
Another shameless copy of an Xcode 4 component. A NSView subclass that displays a custom message inside a bubble whenever the view becomes empty (that is, it doesn't have any subviews). When a view...
ZKTextField screenshot


April 23, 2012 • MIT License
A simple replacement for NSTextField that offers a very much higher degree of customization ability. It does not use any cells and delegates all most of its functions out to different methods so th...
PullToRefresh screenshot


March 07, 2012 • MIT License
A twitter-style pull-to-refresh NSScrollView with the added functionality of delegate protocols. Based on: Leah Culver's PullToRefresh for iOS and Alex Zielenski's ScrollToRefresh for OSX
ScrollToRefresh screenshot


November 27, 2011 • MIT License
ScrollToRefresh is a subclass of NSScrollView that adds a "pull-to-refresh" view to the "elastic" area of NSScrollview.
JUInspectorView screenshot


August 15, 2011 • MIT License
JUInspectorView is a shameless copy of Xcode 4s inspector views. It draws a header with a title and then a custom NSView or NSView subclass as the body. There is a disclosure triangle to open/close...
JUCollectionView screenshot


August 11, 2011 • MIT License
JUCollectionView aims to be a drop in replacement for the extremely slow NSCollectionView. Instead of loading every possible cell at once, JUCollectionView only displays the visible cells. To impro...
GCJumpBar screenshot


May 26, 2011 • MIT License
NSControl subclass that mimics the Xcode 4 Jump Bar.
No image provided.


May 12, 2011 • MIT License
A multi-option popup menu, similar to Xcode's "Overview" toolbar item. - Multiple controls can be driven by the same data source - Setting state via key-value coding - Populating a standard NS...
MBCoverFlowView screenshot


May 04, 2011 • MIT License
An open-source implementation of the Cover Flow interface found in iTunes, Finder, etc. for Mac OS X.
Sparkle screenshot


May 04, 2011 • MIT License
An easy-to-use software update framework for Cocoa developers.