Stay in touch
September 12, 2020 • MIT License
Transparent realtime blur using UIVisualEffectView without subclassing.
Supports iOS 14!
September 11, 2020 • MIT License
change navigation bar color and background image and title color for every single screen
September 04, 2020 • MIT License
DialCountries is a swift Controller. Provides country name, ISO 3166 country codes, country flag, and calling code
August 05, 2020 • MIT License
The simplest way to make your collection view pagination
July 15, 2020 • MIT License
Pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps
July 14, 2020 • MIT License
A simple library that helps you in connecting with BLE devices
July 07, 2020 • MIT License
This class scrolls the screen upwards when the virtual keyboard is shown so that it doesn't cover the actual text field.
July 03, 2020 • MIT License
StarRatingView is a simple Star Rating View for displaying star ratings and entering them (by touching the stars). It's written for iOS, in Swift 5.1 (UIKit, not SwiftUI). It also works with Interf...
June 23, 2020 • MIT License
A subclass on UITabbar that provides allows you to customize a shape of UITabbar with raised center button.