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December 11, 2013 • MIT License
iTunes Style - Graph Controller - A complete collection of subclasses and controller classes to make any `WebView` a custom iTunes style horizontal graph. You can style this graph with CSS. All tra...
November 26, 2013 • MIT License
EKAlgorithms contains some well known CS algorithms and other stuff.
EKAlgorithms is a gradually increasing bunch of algorithms in which some well known CS algorithms, data structures & others are...
November 25, 2013 • MIT License
A multi-tab control designed to look and behave like the tab control in Apple's Numbers spreadsheet.
November 02, 2013 • MIT License
A collection of subclasses and classes to make any table view look like that in the iTunes program. Includes custom row alternating colors and highlight colors.
September 21, 2013 • MIT License
A highly customizable and performant collection view for the Mac.
August 24, 2013 • MIT License
A simple, helpful library for using your Objective-C variables within a bundled AppleScript or OSAScript.
Apple provides NSAppleScript and OSAKit for executing AppleScript in Cocoa, but there is...
June 29, 2013 • MIT License
An NSControl subclass which provides a spreadsheet-style table grid, forked from mattball/mbtablegrid.
June 24, 2013 • MIT License
An NSView subclass and controller that support the selection of subviews.
A common pattern in desktop Cocoa apps is to have a parent NSView manage a collection of NSView siblings. An example w...
June 11, 2013 • MIT License
NSStatusItem showing a little NSPopover when clicked. Similar to the Dropbox tray icon popup.
May 17, 2013 • MIT License
A beautiful Dial / Volume Style Knob Control for Mac OS X. A replacement for the NSSlider Control.
May 05, 2013 • MIT License
DFeedback (DaisyDisk Feedback) is a two-in-one component for providing user feedback:
* It allows the user to send feedback and request support from within your app. Along with the message, the ...
April 03, 2013 • MIT License
Lightweight and customizable tab bar control with support for grouping items for Mac OSX.
March 11, 2013 • MIT License
MIHSliderView is a Core Animation slider view for OS X. Any subclass of NSView can be displayed as a slide and integration into your project is as easy as using any other view since it is just a si...
January 23, 2013 • MIT License
DMSplitView is a revisited version of the standard OSX's NSSplitView control. The e problem with NSSplitView is that some things which should be simple require implementing unintuitive delegate met...