6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

xcfui screenshot


June 26, 2014 • MIT License
Xcode plugin for [fui tool](https://github.com/dblock/fui), which finds unused imports.
Swift Spaceship Operator screenshot

Swift Spaceship Operator

June 19, 2014 • MIT License
Contains a Swift file to add the spaceship operator ( `<=>` ) to a project 6.0 <=> 17.0 // Outputs -1 9001.0 <=> 9000.0 // Outputs 1 4.0 <=> 4.0 // Outputs 0 Works on iOS an...
PI_EmojiPicker screenshot


June 17, 2014 • MIT License
Simple NSView or NSViewController based picker for Emoji. I took the wonderful work of AGEmojiKeyboard (https://github.com/ayushgoel/iOS-emoji-keyboard) as a base to create an OS X version. ...
KPCClipShadowsScrollView screenshot


June 04, 2014 • MIT License
A simple Cocoa NSScrollView subclass that allows to draw on its top and its bottom small shadow rectangles to provide a subtle and discrete fade effect, for a smoother visual transition.
XLocation screenshot


May 29, 2014 • MIT License
An Xcode plugin which lets you add easily a new location from an address in your current Xcode project.
FlatUI Colors Palette for Xcode screenshot

FlatUI Colors Palette for Xcode

May 28, 2014 • MIT License
FlatUI Colors (http://flatuicolors.com/) palette for use in Xcode. Install by executing the following command in your terminal: wget -P ~/Library/Colors https://raw.github.com/hemantasapkota/...
PCProgressView screenshot


May 24, 2014 • MIT License
A simple rounded progress view for OS X which is customisable. - Background line colour - Background line width - Progress line colour - Progress line width - Animation duration and of co...
Marvelous screenshot


May 10, 2014 • MIT License
Marvelous is an unofficial native interface to the Marvel Comics API for OSX. It is built on top of the Foundation framework and it uses the high-level operation and networking abstractions built i...
SANetworkTester screenshot


May 10, 2014 • MIT License
Quick and Easy way to check for active network connection using Blocks or Delegate on iOS devices
RPBorderlessSegmentedControl screenshot


April 28, 2014 • MIT License
A replica of Xcode 5's toolbar segmented controls.
No image provided.


April 22, 2014 • MIT License
Xcode plugin to optimize images using ImageOptim.
XCParameterizedTestCase screenshot


April 10, 2014 • MIT License
Parameterized implementation of XCTestCase.
CocoaPodUI screenshot


March 29, 2014 • MIT License
XCode plugin that implements CocoaPods GUI.
TBMInspectorView screenshot


March 28, 2014 • MIT License
TBMInspectorView is a copy of the Xcode 5's inspector view. It is pretty easy to setup and should be set as the documentView of a NSScrollView.
KFToolbar screenshot


March 04, 2014 • MIT License
An easy to setup and use toolbar that can contain KFToolbarItems (what is actually a wrapper for NSButtons).
No image provided.


February 25, 2014 • MIT License
JMTimerBeam enables you to show a decent beam on your OSX screen for visualising a timing event. The beam will be attached to the top, right, bottom or left side of your screen and decreases steadi...
XML-Reader screenshot


February 08, 2014 • MIT License
XML Reader for OS X that allows you to preview a XML url as well as convert it to JSON format.
JSON to Foundation screenshot

JSON to Foundation

January 21, 2014 • MIT License
Take a JSON object and convert it to a Foundation object and export to class files.
ProvisionQL screenshot


January 18, 2014 • MIT License
Quick Look plugin for .ipa and .mobileprovision Inspired by number of existing alternatives, the goal of this project is to provide clean, reliable, current and open-source Quick Look plugin for...
LIGridControl screenshot


December 18, 2013 • MIT License
An efficient variable-sized grid of NSCells.