Stay in touch
November 25, 2011 • MIT License
Generates a 'Ken Burns' transition effect for UIImages.
November 24, 2011 • MIT License
An iOS Grid-View allowing the user to sort the views in the scrollView and also to see the views in fullsize by pinching them.
This view is inspired by the UITableView and uses a datasource and d...
November 23, 2011 • MIT License
SVStatusHUD mimics the HUD shown on orientation lock, mute and volume change on iOS. It should only be used in response to hardware or other important notifications (for instance when an accessory ...
November 21, 2011 • MIT License
PSPushPopPressView is a custom view that provides direct manipulation for your content - like the images and videos in Our Choice by Push Pop Press. All credit for coming up with the interaction an...
No image provided.
November 20, 2011 • MIT License
LBGradient is "NSGradient" for iOS. I didn't feel like writing 10 lines for one gradient all the time so I wrote this.
November 06, 2011 • MIT License
SESpringBoard is a simple and super easy to use springboard (launcher) view for to use in your iPhone apps.
November 04, 2011 • MIT License
Lightweight mobile ad mediation for iOS:
November 02, 2011 • MIT License
Open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked ui - done right.
FTShare - an easy way to share using Facebook Twitter and Mails
October 21, 2011 • MIT License
FTshare allows you to set up a share instance on your application delegate and then share using the most common social networks (and more to come). It is as easy as setting up your developer accoun...
October 17, 2011 • MIT License
A "progress bar" that also allows you to select a range. I use it to indicate progress of recording audio, represent trimming it, and then playing back only the selected range.
October 15, 2011 • MIT License
This is deprecated in favor of the newer SKStatefulTableViewController:
STableViewController is a custom table view controller that support...
October 11, 2011 • MIT License
An iOS objective-c library template for mimic the sidebar layout of the new Facebook app.
October 09, 2011 • MIT License
A drop-in UILabel replacement that makes almost all text properties animatable by using a CATextLayer instead of CALayer.
The important animatable properties are textColor, text, font and fontSize.
October 06, 2011 • MIT License
ios-calendar is a stylable month calendar view for use in iPhone applications. It uses Three20 framework heavily, especially for styling.
While there are existing implementations (Kal and TKCalend...
October 04, 2011 • MIT License
Declarative UIView animation sequences. With this component you can declaratively describe animation sequences that consist of multiple steps. (Oh, and then you can run them, if you like.)
September 20, 2011 • MIT License
Objective-C wrapper for gRaphael graph charting library.
September 18, 2011 • MIT License
A page curl animation/transition for views in iOS that intends to mimic the behavior of the pages in apps like iBooks and GoogleMaps for iOS.
No image provided.
September 16, 2011 • MIT License
ABPadLockScreen aims to provide a universal solution to providing a secure keypad/pin lock screen to your iPhone or iPad app. With just a few lines you can have a full lock screen module ready to go.