Stay in touch
May 10, 2012 • MIT License
STBubbleTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell subclass for easily displaying chat conversations. This component comes with 10 colored bubble images in both normal and retina size.
May 10, 2012 • MIT License
A custom TabBarController which can be positioned on the bottom, top, left or top. Utilizes iOS 5 Containment API if possible, but works on iOS 4 too. The TabBar is fully customizable with a tintCo...
May 06, 2012 • MIT License
A Sparrow-style Implementation of Swipe-To-Reveal.
May 06, 2012 • MIT License
Create standard iPhone buttons without any image. It's easy to embed into any project, two files are needed. It's easy to add new effects.
May 06, 2012 • MIT License
This project aims to replicate UITabBarController functionality and behavior, but with a vertical tab bar.
May 04, 2012 • MIT License
UIViewController+KNSemiModal is an effort to make a replica of semi-modal view plus with pushed-back stacked animation found in the beautiful "Park Guides by National Geographic" app.
This libra...
May 01, 2012 • MIT License
Fully and easly customizable rotary wheel control also called pie menu for iPhone and iPad. Very similar to the control in Convertbot. It rotates with inertia/momentum. Drawn using CoreGraphics wit...
April 25, 2012 • MIT License
TBHintView is a simple, highly customizable hint library for iOS. It enables you to add simple hints to any UIView. It features multiple page support and various show and hide animation types.
April 21, 2012 • MIT License
PrettyKit is a small set of new widgets and UIKit subclasses such as UITableViewCell, UINavigationBar or UITabBar that gives you a deeper UIKit customization. You will be able to change their backg...
April 19, 2012 • MIT License
XBImageFilters allows you to obtain filtered versions of any image or from the camera in realtime. It uses OpenGL ES 2 to filter the images through fragment shaders you write yourself so you can fi...
April 14, 2012 • MIT License
LeveyPopListView is an alternative to UIActionSheet that presents a list of selectable options to the user, and allows for including images.
April 14, 2012 • MIT License
Simple demo app inspired by Path 2.0's use of a parallax effect in conjunction with a UITableView.
April 08, 2012 • MIT License
The project provides en effect when the user swipes the finger over one texture and by swiping reveals the texture underneath it. The effect can be applied for scratch-card action or wiping a miste...
iOS QR encoder
April 08, 2012 • MIT License
iOS QR encoder, generates an UIImage from NSString with one line of code. Uses libqrencode to encode a string into qr.
April 07, 2012 • MIT License
VPPMap library for iOS simplifies the creation and management of a MKMapView, featuring automatic annotations management with their views and callouts, map region centering based on the current vis...
April 05, 2012 • MIT License
NPColorPicker is a set of classes that helps to create a HSV Color picker.
Within these class, a conic gradient with a configurable interpolator is managing the HUE donut.
A second color picker...
March 28, 2012 • MIT License
Inspiration for this button bar came from the app Path in which they practically removed the need for a UITabBar by adding a button in the bottom left. The goal with this widget is to replicate tha...
March 26, 2012 • MIT License
A custom, configurable, horizontal version of UIPickerView (based on the spinning-wheel or slot-machine metaphor), with an included table cell implementation. Originally intended for condensing the...
March 24, 2012 • MIT License
EMHint is an iOS class group that easily adds a spotlight-like effect to a view highlighting or hinting at something that may be important on the screen.The protocols of EMHintDelegate allow users ...