6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

No image provided.


September 05, 2012 • MIT License
A page scrolling container viewcontroller.
RLPageControl screenshot


September 04, 2012 • MIT License
A replacement for UIPageControl that allows you to use a given block to draw your own page dot.
SimpleSwitch screenshot


September 02, 2012 • MIT License
The SimpleSwitch is a custom switch, looks like the iOS UISwitch without the knob.It can be used as two-state-filter controller,too. You can custom it's appearance,and titles.The SimpleSwitchDemo s...
DLCImagePickerController screenshot


August 31, 2012 • MIT License
An image picker with live filters and blur effects. Make your photos look good in any app. Brought to you by Backspaces http://www.backspac.es
KRFoldingViews screenshot


August 30, 2012 • MIT License
KRFoldingViews is a really simple animation library that creates a folding or unfolding animation effect on your views.
AngleGradientLayer screenshot


August 29, 2012 • MIT License
AngleGradientLayer is a CALayer implementation of angle gradient.
NSBKeyframeAnimation screenshot


August 29, 2012 • MIT License
jQuery-like animations in CoreAnimation
Chrome Progress Bar screenshot

Chrome Progress Bar

August 28, 2012 • MIT License
A custom progress bar with Google Chrome style
PMCalendar screenshot


August 27, 2012 • MIT License
Yet another calendar component for iOS. Compatible with iOS 4.0 (iPhone & iPad) and higher. PMCalendar supports selection of multiple dates within one or several months, could appear as a popove...
UIKitForGame screenshot


August 26, 2012 • MIT License
UIKitForGame is a UIKit subclasses and categories collection modified for iOS game. It provides RPG-style effects.
JDDroppableView screenshot


August 25, 2012 • MIT License
A DroppableView represents a single draggable View. You may use it as a base class for the views, that you need to be draggable in your project. Currently it is built, to be used within a scrollVie...
AJNotificationView screenshot


August 25, 2012 • MIT License
Notice component for iOS
JDFlipNumberView 2.0 screenshot

JDFlipNumberView 2.0

August 25, 2012 • MIT License
The FlipNumberView is simulating an analog flip display (like those for the departure time on the airport). It's well abstracted and damn easy to use.
PushBack Animation View screenshot

PushBack Animation View

August 22, 2012 • MIT License
Demo of push back animation to display a modal view.
NMRangeSlider screenshot


August 22, 2012 • MIT License
NMRangeSlider is custom iOS control that gives you a UISlider like UI for selecting a range of values. The range slider can be configured using a set of images in much the same way as UISlider. ...
NKToggleOverlayButton screenshot


August 16, 2012 • MIT License
NKToggleOverlayButton is a two state button that displays a translucent overlay when it's state is changed. The overlay contains a customisable line of text and an image. An example of its use w...
REPhotoCollectionController screenshot


August 16, 2012 • MIT License
REPhotoCollectionController is a simple photo thumbnail viewer for the iOS that groups photos by date.
MCPagerView screenshot


August 14, 2012 • MIT License
A replacement for the UIPageControl, with a similar functionality but custom "dots".
StyledTableViewCell screenshot


August 12, 2012 • MIT License
Customized table view cell border and highlight colors.
SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete screenshot


August 08, 2012 • MIT License
SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete is a simple objective-c wrapper around the Google Places Autocomplete API. The API can be used to provide autocomplete functionality for text-based geographic searches, b...