6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

SPPinView screenshot


April 02, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
SPPinView extensively uses for pin view or passcode view or OTP view.
RoughSwift screenshot


March 26, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
πŸŽƒCreate hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift
SegementSlide screenshot


March 10, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
camerakit-ios screenshot


February 22, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Library for iOS Camera API. Massively increase performance and ease of use within your next iOS Project.
VDSLoader screenshot


February 19, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
A new Loader with customisation
Carbon screenshot


February 12, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Snakey-List screenshot


February 07, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
An Instagram like collection layout supporting drag and drop.
Bagel screenshot


January 14, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
a little native network debugging tool for iOS
roundrect screenshot


January 14, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Conveniences for programmatically generating image assets and styling UIButton
buddy screenshot


January 13, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Buddy is unofficial (simple) buddybuild client based on public APIs.
png screenshot


January 11, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
A pure swift PNG decoder and encoder for accessing the raw pixel data of a PNG file
MagazineLayout screenshot


January 06, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
A collection view layout capable of laying out views in vertically scrolling grids and lists.
Charts screenshot


January 04, 2019 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
SPTouchID screenshot


December 31, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Make a portable biometric authentication of your application!
VDS4CircleLoader screenshot


December 29, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
a loading animation created in swift. drag a UIView onto storyboard in xcode. change UIView class to VDSCircleAnimation. Thats it enjoy!!
No image provided.


December 28, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
Swipe view inspired by tinder
GBFloatingTextField screenshot


December 28, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
GBFloatingTextField is a class of UITextField which helps to create Floating Placeholder. It also contains GBFloatingTextView. Which have same functionality like GBFloatingTextField. It also have p...
RouletteWheel screenshot


December 27, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
A roulette wheel library come up with the following features :- 1) Its have a attractive design like a casino roulette wheel. 2) User have choose one number from the roulette wheel. 3) This is a...
SSCircularSlider screenshot


December 24, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
A simple, powerful and fully customizable circular slider, written in swift.
TableviewPaginator screenshot


December 17, 2018 β€’ Apache 2.0 License
While paginating in UITableView, several things required to do manually, when doing this task for each and every view controller, code duplicity and effort is high priority issue. To resolve this u...