Stay in touch
June 09, 2012 • MIT License
CPSlider is a drop-in, subclass replacement for UISlider that allows varying scrubbing speeds as the user drags away from the slider thumb, emulating the slider used in the iOS iPod music player. I...
iPad Suggestions List
June 08, 2012 • MIT License
Easily display a popover on iPad with autocomplete suggestions for text fields.
June 08, 2012 • MIT License
KNMultiItemSelector is a drop-in multiple items selector for iOS projects. It works with both iPhone and iPad.
It is best used for selecting several items in a long list of hundreds or thousands...
June 05, 2012 • MIT License
DMScrollingTicker is an advanced horizontal scroll ticker class made in Objective-C for iOS. It doesn’t use standard NSTimer to perform animations but instead Quartz Layers / CoreGraphics. It allow...
June 02, 2012 • Apache 2.0 License
A custom Tab Bar write from scratch
VSTabBar is fully customizable:
* All colors could be changed (Background, Foreground, gradient selection, current selection item, etc.),
* Showing/Unshow...
May 31, 2012 • MIT License
A UIView subclass that displays YouTube videos using MPMoviePlayerController. It's highly customizable in getting data. The choice between high-quality and standard-quality is already implemented b...
May 30, 2012 • MIT License
XYOrigami is an simple and easy-to-use view transition for iOS app. Inspired by HonCheng’s next train video, XYOrigami is a simpler version of folding transition. It is an add-on category of UIView...
May 30, 2012 • MIT License
CQMFloatingController is a floating UI component with navigation bar. You can push/pop a content view controller on it.
This component is ported from Calqum (
May 28, 2012 • MIT License
EBPurchase adds simple In-App Purchase functionality to your iOS app. It wraps all of the necessary code for interacting with the StoreKit framework into a convenient little class, and provides you...
May 26, 2012 • MIT License
Easy, flexible drawing in Objective-C. Sometimes dynamically generating Core Graphics drawing code can be a real pain. SYCompositor makes it really simple to do in Objective-C. Simply provide NSDic...
May 26, 2012 • MIT License
Simple paging scroll view to make complicated tasks easier. Used in several of the Synthetic apps including Hipstamatic, D-Series, and IncrediBooth.
May 24, 2012 • BSD License
DYNavigationController is a Backboard inspired iOS control that enables navigation among UIViews based on swipe gestures.
With DYNavigationController, one can simply push and pop UIViews by swi...
May 22, 2012 • BSD License
A simple yet flexible iOS rating view control similar to the one used in Apple's App Store app.
May 22, 2012 • Apache 2.0 License
iTellAFriend is an iOS toolkit for displaying a preconfigued mail composer with a "Tell a Friend" template in ios apps.
May 17, 2012 • MIT License
A simple "route" Google Maps style search view which can be used mainly for "routing" Apps.