6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

LineAndPieChartDemo screenshot


December 29, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Use Bezier Paths to draw a simple Pie chart and Line Chart
HideKeyboardTapGestureManager screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
Easy to use manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift.
AZTransitions screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
Make your modal transition with custom animation. AZTransitions helps you think about creativity, giving specific API methods.
SamuraiTransition screenshot


December 29, 2016 • MIT License
SamuraiTransiton is a ViewController transition framework in Swift. It is an animation as if Samurai cut out the screen with a sword.
ASMapLauncher screenshot


December 28, 2016 • MIT License
ASMapLauncher is a library for iOS written in Swift that helps navigation with various mapping applications.
ContactsWrapper screenshot


December 28, 2016 • MIT License
Contacts wrapper for iOS 9 or upper.
WeixinActivitySwift screenshot


December 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Share to Weixin in ActivityView in Swift 3.0.
Custom-Transition screenshot


December 28, 2016 • MIT License
This project tries to replicate the transition that you can find in Snapchat when you pull down to access Profile screen.
KConfigurableCollectionViewDemo screenshot


December 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
You can fully configure your collection view to handle number of items in a row.
No image provided.


December 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Getting direction of a route and drawing polyline on map using google sdk.
JDHashTagModule_inOC screenshot


December 28, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Make UITextView can detect HashTag # automatically
MFCard screenshot


December 28, 2016 • MIT License
Easily integrate Credit Card payments in iOS App. Swift 3.0
DragDropUI screenshot


December 27, 2016 • MIT License
A set of iOS UI components which have drag & drop capability.
Snackbar-iOS screenshot


December 27, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Simple snackbar for ios from android platform
TNAnimateSlider screenshot


December 27, 2016 • Apache 2.0 License
Custome UISlider with thumb animation
AREK - Permissions manager screenshot

AREK - Permissions manager

December 27, 2016 • MIT License
AREK is an easy to use wrapper over any kind of iOS permission. It's a swift 3 project that support almost all permissions on iOS.
PickerController screenshot


December 27, 2016 • MIT License
MLNavigationBarTransition screenshot


December 27, 2016 • MIT License
Advanced navigation bar transition based on official push-pop transition
AttributedTextView screenshot


December 27, 2016 • MIT License
Easiest way to create an attributed UITextView with support for multiple links.
Round Corner Progress screenshot

Round Corner Progress

December 27, 2016 • MIT License
An drop-in and easy to customize sizes, colors and round at any corner. PR are welcomed