Stay in touch
October 20, 2020 • MIT License
Customizable view to imput pin-code. Supported auto-filling from sms
October 19, 2020 • MIT License
Easily show HUDs with SwiftUI! Lightweight SwiftUI wrapper for JGProgressHUD for iOS, tvOS, Catalyst.
October 14, 2020 • MIT License
ARSelectableView is provide selection type like : Radio, Checkbox, Tags
MVVM template with RxSwift, RxCocoa, Action.
October 05, 2020 • Apache 2.0 License
Base project MVVM design pattern with RxSwift, RxCocoa, Action.
* Base classes for UIViewController, UIView, UITableView, UICollectionView, UITableViewCell and UICollectionCell.
* ...
October 02, 2020 • MIT License
📺 VideoPlayerView for kids, Tried to make it as similar as possible a Youtube kids App Player UI
September 27, 2020 • Unspecified License
Rotating Wheel Custom Controller (with a hole)
September 23, 2020 • MIT License
Change languages inside the app, no need to wait the screen to reboot any more
September 22, 2020 • MIT License
A Customizable and Interactive Circular Slider, the user can select any value between 0% and 100%
September 19, 2020 • MIT License
Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message at the bottom of the screen. Snackbars contain up to two lines of text directly related to the operation performed. They may co...
Morse Code
September 16, 2020 • MIT License
Basic app which uses three basic features, Audio, Vibration and Flash. This app doesn't only play the audio it generates the audio as a sine wave, making audio frequency, speed, amplitude, etc high...
September 12, 2020 • MIT License
Transparent realtime blur using UIVisualEffectView without subclassing.
Supports iOS 14!
September 11, 2020 • MIT License
change navigation bar color and background image and title color for every single screen
September 10, 2020 • Apache 2.0 License
An easy to use, Interface Builder-compatible shadow view for iOS and written in Swift.
September 06, 2020 • Apache 2.0 License
Not really ready to use control but many SwiftUI/Combine useful things to reuse