6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

JGFlipMenu screenshot


April 21, 2015 • MIT License
Flipping menu system written in Swift. Uses @IBDesignable for quick and easy implementation.
GuillotineMenu screenshot


April 21, 2015 • MIT License
Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
SlidingContainerViewController screenshot


April 20, 2015 • MIT License
An android scrollable tab bar style container view controller
QZCircleSegue screenshot


April 20, 2015 • MIT License
Custom Segue developed in Swift for transition between circular-shapped buttons and UIViewControllers
Gulps screenshot


April 17, 2015 • MIT License
Gulps is an open source app for iOS and Apple Watch that lets you keep track of your daily water consumption. It's a great way to learn how to share data between an app and its extensions using Realm.
UILabel+Copyable screenshot


April 17, 2015 • MIT License
A simple UILabel category meant to add copy functionality to it. Features: Supports Interface Builder Supports long press gesture Allows enable/disble the copy feature Works with all UILabel...
SwiftPriorityQueue screenshot


April 16, 2015 • MIT License
SwiftPriorityQueue is a pure Swift (no Cocoa) implementation of a generic priority queue data structure, appropriate for use on both iOS and OS X projects. It features a straightforward interface a...
DynamicBlurView screenshot


April 16, 2015 • MIT License
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
Chronos screenshot


April 09, 2015 • MIT License
Chronos is intended to be a collection of useful Grand Central Dispatch utilities. Currently Chronos only includes a timer utility, but the whole library is under active development. If you have an...
Swift-Prompts screenshot


April 07, 2015 • MIT License
A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from to customise their look and feel. This includes customising their background with any level of blurring and col...
AIFlatSwitch screenshot


April 07, 2015 • MIT License
A smooth, nice looking and IBDesignable animated flat switch component for iOS
Transporter screenshot


April 04, 2015 • MIT License
A tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier
SABlurImageView screenshot


April 03, 2015 • MIT License
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods. This is sample video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCXe1jZIZVk
KDEDateLabel screenshot


April 01, 2015 • MIT License
KDEDateLabel is an UILabel subclass that updates itself to make time ago's format easier.
ClickWheel screenshot


March 31, 2015 • MIT License
Drop-In ClickWheel for iOS7+ written in Swift. ClickWheel basically consits of two buttons on top of each other. One is responsible for the dragging while the inner one only responds to clicks. ...
AtomView-Swift screenshot


March 31, 2015 • MIT License
AtomView-Swift is a sample project attempting to recreate the atom animation found on the home page of the iOS game Atomas.
SAHistoryNavigationViewController screenshot


March 31, 2015 • MIT License
SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. This is sample video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyOim1VEvwY
JGTransitionCollectionView screenshot


March 29, 2015 • MIT License
A iOS swift base collectionview with unique animation feature inspired from behance made using UICollectionView. https://www.behance.net/gallery/13691641/GIF-Abracadabra-App
APLineChart screenshot


March 29, 2015 • MIT License
Fully customizable Line Chart. With a simple setup via Interface Builder you can display one or more lines.
COBezierTableView screenshot


March 29, 2015 • MIT License
UITableView modification written in Swift where cells are scrolling in an arc defined by a BezierPath. Project even include classes for editing BezierPaths.