Stay in touch
January 06, 2015 • MIT License
Adds a customizable CALayer halo effect to any arbitrary UIView. Completely written in Swift.
January 06, 2015 • MIT License
RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on.
January 06, 2015 • MIT License
Text entry controls which contain a built-in title/label so that you don't have to add a separate title for each field.
FloatLabelFields is the Swift implementation of a UX pattern that has come...
MABCardsView (Swift)
January 05, 2015 • MIT License
A Swift port for
January 04, 2015 • MIT License
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
December 29, 2014 • MIT License
SwiftGraph is a pure Swift (no Cocoa) implementation of a graph data structure, appropriate for use on both iOS and OS X projects. It includes support for weighted, unweighted, directed, and undire...
ReorderableGridView (Swift)
December 27, 2014 • MIT License
Reorderable grid view solution implemented with Swift. It's a UIScrollView subclass, not a collection view layout.
NSURL Validation
December 26, 2014 • MIT License
This is a Swift extension of NSURL that will take a provided String and validate it for both proper format and that it is an accessible url. It is asynchronous and returns the response and formatte...
December 24, 2014 • MIT License
Material design components (inspired by Google Material Design) for iOS written in Swift
December 18, 2014 • MIT License
DSFacebookImagePicker is an image picker replacement that selects photos from the user's Facebook account instead of their local photo library. It was designed to be used as similar as possible to ...
December 09, 2014 • MIT License
Sync eases your every day job of parsing a `JSON` response and getting it into Core Data. It uses a convention over configuration paradigm to facilitate your workflow.
* Handles operations in sa...
December 08, 2014 • MIT License
ScreenSceneController — custom view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content in JetRadar and Aviasales apps. It's written in Swift.
December 07, 2014 • MIT License
Use a front or back camera on backgroundView in your app. This is perfect for Logins or Welcome screens. It's the same that JMBackgroundCameraView but this is in Swift.
December 07, 2014 • MIT License
Easy and straight forward, it lets you draw a signature in an UIView. The signature can then be saved for use in an email, signing a PDF, your imagination is the limit.
Made in Swift
December 07, 2014 • MIT License
An Objective-C and Swift collection for iOS and OS X that stores objects grouped into sections.
INTUGroupedArray is an Objective-C data structure that takes the common one-dimensional array to t...