Stay in touch
February 13, 2015 • MIT License
A new way to manage table views, written in Swift.
No image provided.
February 12, 2015 • MIT License
Maps (iOS, Swift) - maintain center while zooming.
Developed due to not being able to maintain the center position of a given location while zooming. Scrolling while zooming can't be bypassed us...
KSTokenView (Swift)
February 05, 2015 • MIT License
KSTokenView for iOS written in Swift, displays a collection of tokens in a an editable UITextField similar to NSTokenField, and sends messages to delegate object. It can be used to gather small amo...
February 04, 2015 • MIT License
Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like. SLPagingViewSwift is a Swift port of the Objective-C of SLPagingView
No image provided.
February 01, 2015 • MIT License
The way to impress users on the first app launch.
Created by Raphael Miller and Michael Babiy.
See RMParallax in action:
If you are looking for ...
January 30, 2015 • MIT License
Simple pulse animation written in Swift (ported from HaloPulse)
No image provided.
January 29, 2015 • MIT License
Loading Indicator for UIImageView.
Handles network calls and background thread image decoding.
Customizable and with full support for Interface Builder
pod 'LoadingImageView'
January 28, 2015 • MIT License
KeychainAccess is a simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS and OS X. Makes using Keychain APIs exremely easy and much more palatable to use in Swift.
January 28, 2015 • MIT License
Path 4.2 menu using CoreAnimation in Swift. Inspired by
January 22, 2015 • MIT License
UITextField and UITextView are supported with FloatingLabels in Swift.
January 21, 2015 • MIT License
Framework with animate background cell to create a parallax effect with remote or local images. Each cell can be a different offset.
January 20, 2015 • MIT License
Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
January 16, 2015 • MIT License
a bubble control highly inspired from facebook chat heads. written in swift
January 16, 2015 • MIT License
Yet another UICollectionView layout transitions inspired by Facebook Paper App written in Swift.
VMFloatLabel (Swift)
January 12, 2015 • MIT License
Swift based UITextField subclass with floating labels
January 09, 2015 • MIT License
A simple view controller for navigating web pages using WKWebView.
- A browser-like view controller to support web pages navigation in your Swift app.
- Supports back-forward navigation and pag...
No image provided.
January 08, 2015 • MIT License
iOS Slide Menu based on iQON, Feedly, Google+, Ameba iPhone app.
January 08, 2015 • MIT License
A UICollectionView layout which you can move items with drag and drop.