6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

Colorful screenshot


May 26, 2020 • BSD License
Color Picker for iOS
Collor screenshot


August 31, 2017 • BSD License
A MVVM data-oriented framework for accelerating, simplifying and ensuring UICollectionView building.
SliderMenu screenshot


March 06, 2017 • BSD License
A simple Menu inspired by SWRevealView Controller and Google Material Menu
UIView-Borders-Swift screenshot


January 04, 2017 • BSD License
One sided borders on any side of a UIView. Specify any offset from any side and works with autolayout. Now available in Swift 3!
KeyboardAvoidance screenshot


November 19, 2016 • BSD License
Keyboard avoiding kit. The minimal setup you need to make sure that your app can handle easily the appearence / dismissal of the keyboard
Salada screenshot


August 19, 2016 • BSD License
Salad is a Model for Firebase database. It can handle Snapshot of Firebase easily.
Buffer screenshot


August 19, 2016 • BSD License
Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, observation and data-source implementation.
No image provided.

Self-Sizing Collection View

July 20, 2016 • BSD License
The collection view is a great UI element but it doesn't handle elements with various content sizes elegantly. JMCFlexibleCollectionLayout based on customizable parameters like spacing between cell...
JMCBeaconManager screenshot


July 07, 2016 • BSD License
An iBeacon Manager library was created to simplify your interactions with iBeacons. iBeacon is a name of technology that is enabling new location awareness possibilities for apps. "Leveraging Bl...
GBPageControl screenshot


January 08, 2016 • BSD License
A page control for SpriteKit based games written in Swift
BreadCrumb Control for IOS 9 (Swift) screenshot

BreadCrumb Control for IOS 9 (Swift)

December 12, 2015 • BSD License
Breadcrumb is a UI control used as a navigational aid in user interfaces. It show the locations in the treeview for exemple.
RichEditorView screenshot


April 06, 2015 • BSD License
A simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing. Contains a fully customizable toolbar so you can pick and choose the options you want to support, as well as create your own cu...
No image provided.


April 01, 2015 • BSD License
Google Directions API SDK for iOS, entirely written in Swift. Supports all features from the Google Directions API as of March 2015 Other features: - "open in Google Maps app", both for sp...
EVCloudKitDao screenshot


February 17, 2015 • BSD License
EVCloudKitDao will let you use CloudKit as easy as possible by using reflection for parsing from and to CKRecord and generic methods for handling all actions. As a sample app there is a complete fu...
Conway's Game of Life screenshot

Conway's Game of Life

September 22, 2014 • BSD License
Conway's Game of Life written in Swift
MZDownloadManager screenshot


July 18, 2014 • BSD License
This download manager uses NSURLSession api to download files. It can download multiple files at a time. It can download large files if app is in background. It can resume downloads if app was quit...