6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

AKGPushAnimator screenshot


May 18, 2017 • MIT License
Easily Push and Pop Viewcontroller like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook Apps with Interaction
Kommander screenshot


May 18, 2017 • MIT License
Kommander is a Swift library to manage the task execution in different threads. Through the definition a simple but powerful concept, Kommand.
NSJTextField screenshot


May 14, 2017 • MIT License
A custom textfield with the placeholder displayed with animation on top when text entered. Custom attributed text can be set to the title.
SRCountdownTimer screenshot


May 14, 2017 • MIT License
This is the simple circle countdown with a configurable timer.
SpreadsheetView screenshot


May 14, 2017 • MIT License
Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedule, gantt chart or timetable as if you are using Excel.
No image provided.


May 14, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
This project is a clone of YouTube. But the main intention is to show how to write clean code, using proper MVC patterns and re-usable coding methodologies. Converted from Swift2 (Source: https://w...
TLPhotoPicker screenshot


May 13, 2017 • MIT License
📷 multiple phassets picker for iOS lib. like a facebook
DateTextField screenshot


May 13, 2017 • MIT License
A Swift UITextField subclass designed to make date entry easier, faster and more flexible than the standard UIDatePicker.
SimpleFlipView screenshot


May 12, 2017 • MIT License
ViewSwitcher container that helps to switch between two views with transition animation
WRCalendarView screenshot


May 12, 2017 • MIT License
Calendar Day and Week View for iOS
TVOSPicker screenshot


May 10, 2017 • MIT License
A sweet horizontal picker view controller for tvOS.
StackScrollView screenshot


May 10, 2017 • MIT License
iOS form builder in Swift
SplashWindow screenshot


May 10, 2017 • MIT License
An UIWindow-based TouchID authentication controll
PGTabBar-Swift screenshot


May 10, 2017 • MIT License
provide simple tab protocols and TabContianer. just implements protocols with your custom class with tabcontainer.
VNImageScanner screenshot


May 08, 2017 • GPL License
VNImageScanner Welcome to the spiritual successor of IPDFCameraViewController and MAImagePickerController, that tries to unite a usable & simple camera component class into a single UIView. Init...
YMCalendar screenshot


May 08, 2017 • MIT License
YMCalendar is a library of monthly event calendar for iOS written in Swift 3. YMCalendarView has flexibility for design and customization, easy to display day events.
Bulk screenshot


May 08, 2017 • MIT License
👨‍💻 Bulk is pipeline based powerful & flexible logging framework
MixerBox screenshot


May 08, 2017 • MIT License
An iOS μ-framework featuring 2 HSB color picker views.
No image provided.


May 08, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
This project covers: 1) UICollectionViewFlowLayout with all the auto-layout constraints added programatically 2) How to build custom tab bar as seen in YouTube app 3) URL session integration to bu...
TJProfileImage screenshot


May 05, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
Live rendering of componet’s properties in Interface Builder Features Dashed border Solid border Round corner Circle image