6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

AnimateTabbarBadgeView screenshot


July 27, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
UITabBarController Extention to make badge View animated
Ajimi screenshot


July 27, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
Ajimi means tasting. In Japanese, 味見. Ajimi is the feedback tool, which anyone can easily feedback to project team any time.
VNOfficeHourPicker screenshot


July 26, 2017 • MIT License
VNOfficeHourPicker let's you select Office/Institute opening hour for the week. Take a look at the sample project to find out how to use it. Installation Manual To manually install the ...
CCheckbox-iOS screenshot


July 26, 2017 • Unspecified License
CCheckbox is a custom UIButton which represents custom checkbox component with custom images Edit
No image provided.


July 26, 2017 • MIT License
Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
PictureInPicture screenshot


July 25, 2017 • MIT License
This is a Library to implement Picture in Picture.
InAppNotify screenshot


July 24, 2017 • MIT License
Manage in App notifications like WhatsApp, telegram or Frind, whit pulldown to reply!
HGPlaceholders screenshot


July 22, 2017 • MIT License
Nice library to show placeholders for any UITableView in your project
AGCircularPicker screenshot


July 20, 2017 • MIT License
AGCircularPicker is helpful component for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter
No image provided.


July 20, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
ZVRefreshing screenshot


July 19, 2017 • MIT License
A pure-swift and wieldy refresh component.
FAPanels screenshot


July 18, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
FAPanels - Swift (Side menus with multiple transitions/animations)
CTSlidingUpPanel screenshot


July 18, 2017 • MIT License
Transforms any view to sliding up panel
PadControl screenshot


July 18, 2017 • MIT License
A UIControl subclass for two-dimension directional input.
No image provided.


July 18, 2017 • MIT License
A ViewPager with NavigationBar component based on UIPageViewController and UICollectionView
BPBlockActivityIndicator screenshot


July 17, 2017 • MIT License
BPBlockActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS.
Cacher screenshot


July 17, 2017 • MIT License
Super simple caching solution for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
VMSignatureView screenshot


July 16, 2017 • MIT License
A custom view to capture digital signature from user. It is a UIView subclass, hence doesn't enforce any limitation on your view's layout by providing controls that you might not need, hence allowi...
MountainView screenshot


July 16, 2017 • MIT License
The animation curve looks like Mountain View.
LPSnackbar screenshot


July 16, 2017 • MIT License
A flexible and easy to use Snackbar control for iOS.