6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

CountriesViewController screenshot


August 31, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
A view controller that allow user to select a countries, it supports in single or multiple mode
MKColorPicker screenshot


August 31, 2017 • MIT License
ColorPicker is a fantastic color picker 🎨 written in Swift. Developers can use our color picker as is or they can customize it with all the available features
OTResizableView screenshot


August 31, 2017 • MIT License
OTResizableView is a UIView library that can be resized with fingers.
Collor screenshot


August 31, 2017 • BSD License
A MVVM data-oriented framework for accelerating, simplifying and ensuring UICollectionView building.
SandboxBrowser screenshot


August 30, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
A simple iOS sandbox file browser, you can share files through AirDrop
ZoomableImageSlider screenshot


August 28, 2017 • MIT License
ZoomableImageSlider is a simple iOS library for showing images from internet in form of slider. It has following features- Images are zoomable by double tap and by panning the finger as well. I...
No image provided.


August 28, 2017 • MIT License
A completely customizable loading particles animation on a view using SpriteKit
No image provided.


August 27, 2017 • Apache 2.0 License
Custom a AVPlayerLayer on view and transition player with good effect like youtube and facebook
ScrollableSegmentedControl screenshot


August 27, 2017 • MIT License
Scrollable Segmented Control for when UISegmentedControl is not sufficient
SCWebPreview screenshot


August 26, 2017 • MIT License
Preview content in website
Beautiful Bar Chart screenshot

Beautiful Bar Chart

August 26, 2017 • MIT License
Created along with a tutorial on how to build your own bar chart: https://medium.com/@leonardnguyen/build-your-own-chart-in-ios-part-1-bar-chart-e1b7f4789d70
MGVerticalProgressBar screenshot


August 25, 2017 • MIT License
A custom Vertical Progress bar with lots of configuration option like Image and Color support via interface builder
DGScrollableSegmentControl screenshot


August 25, 2017 • MIT License
An elegant scrollable segment control.
FormSheetTextView screenshot


August 24, 2017 • MIT License
FormSheetTextView is a FormSheet style UITextView.
ClapsView screenshot


August 24, 2017 • MIT License
Implemented the functionality of Medium.com Claps. 👋
Glowing Label screenshot

Glowing Label

August 23, 2017 • MIT License
A label with an outer glow.
iCard screenshot


August 23, 2017 • MIT License
Bank Card Generator with Swift using SnapKit DSL
SwiftSuccessCheck screenshot


August 23, 2017 • MIT License
Animated success tick with completion block developed in swift 3
Observable screenshot


August 22, 2017 • MIT License
Observable is the easiest way to observe values in Swift.
TCProgressBar screenshot


August 22, 2017 • MIT License
TCProgressBar is a simple and clean progress bar who takes advantage of @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable to make its integration easy.