6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

ReorderTableViewController screenshot


March 30, 2011 • Custom License
Add drag and drop reordering to a UITableView.
PINView screenshot


March 29, 2011 • Unspecified License
This project gives you a drop-in PIN code entry screen that looks like the entry screen seen in Settings.app.
OHAttributedLabel screenshot


March 28, 2011 • MIT License
This class allows you to use a UILabel with NSAttributedStrings, in order to display styled text with mixed style (mixed fonts, color, size, ...) in a unique label. It can also detect links, add...
PSBackgroundCurtain screenshot


March 28, 2011 • MIT License
Try to activate the multitasking bar, notice the animated fade to dark. Suspend the App and start it, and it fades back from black. This is useful if you have a PinLock Controller. Works with iOS4 ...
FlatWebView screenshot


March 25, 2011 • MIT License
A ludicrously simple subclass of UIWebView that hides the drop shadows behind said UIWebView.
CMTextStylePicker screenshot


March 20, 2011 • MIT License
iOS view controller tree for presenting a text font/size/colour picker to user. It is also possible to use the font or colour selectors separately.
CMPopTipView screenshot


March 20, 2011 • MIT License
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
EGOTableViewPullRefresh screenshot


March 19, 2011 • MIT License
A similar control to the pull down to refresh control created by atebits in Tweetie 2.
PanelTableView screenshot


March 19, 2011 • MIT License
Manages multiple UITableViews in a UIScrollView
FTUtils screenshot


March 18, 2011 • MIT License
The code in FTUtils is common utility code extracted from Free Time Studios iPhone projects. Currently, there is only one primary utility (FTAnimation) and some simple preprocessor macros. Some uni...
Camera Flash Toggle screenshot

Camera Flash Toggle

March 17, 2011 • Unspecified License
An example how to create a custom iPhone control, that looks like the new flash toggling ui element inside the default camera app (since 4.0).
StackPanel screenshot


March 16, 2011 • MIT License
A simple iOS control for stacking UIViews without the hassle of managing a UITableView.
DDProgressView screenshot


March 16, 2011 • BSD License
A custom UIProgressView à la Twitter for iPhone.
SQRiskCursor screenshot


March 15, 2011 • Custom License
Custom UIControl using CoreAnimation
KTPhotoBrowser screenshot


March 15, 2011 • MIT License
KTPhotoBrowser is a lightweight photo browser library for the iPhone and iPod touch that looks and behaves like the iPhone Photos app.
Snappy Slider screenshot

Snappy Slider

March 14, 2011 • MIT License
A subclass of UISlider that snaps to pre-specified values, or detents.
Appirater screenshot


March 13, 2011 • MIT License
Appirater is a class that you can drop into any iPhone app that will help remind your users to review your app on the App Store.
Core Animation Demos screenshot

Core Animation Demos

March 13, 2011 • MIT License
A collection of 13 incredibly cool Core Animation demos for iOS.
JBSlidingTableViewCell screenshot


March 09, 2011 • Apache 2.0 License
UITableViewCell subclass whose contentView can slide out to reveal another view, as seen in the Facebook app, SCVNGR app, and Twitter app.
MHRotaryKnob screenshot


March 08, 2011 • MIT License
MHRotaryKnob is a UIControl that acts like a rotary knob. In operation it is similar to a UISlider but its shape is square rather than long and narrow. Great for music apps where you can use it as ...