Stay in touch
May 16, 2011 • Unspecified License
StackScrollView project is a demo app for creating view like twitter app for ipad, created by the mobile development team at raw engineering. It supports: Orientation (both Landscape & Portrait), S...
May 16, 2011 • Unspecified License
UIButton subclass that looks like a pushable keyboard button.
May 15, 2011 • Unspecified License
Sliding tabs UI element for iPhone resembling the tabbing control used in Gowalla.
May 14, 2011 • MIT License
StyledPageControl works just like UIPageControl in iOS, but more customizable. You can change the colors, gap width, diameter and style.
May 14, 2011 • CC BY 3.0 License
A small open-source class that helps you quickly create and configure a UITableViewController that is backed by an NSFetchedResultsController. This is code I use in a lot of my projects, and have e...
May 13, 2011 • MIT License
Allows you to use custom maps in iphone applications and attempts to mimics some of the behaviour of the MapKit framework.
May 13, 2011 • Unspecified License
Resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app.
Rotatable MapView
May 12, 2011 • Unspecified License
A map view that rotates in response to the accelerometer.
May 12, 2011 • Unspecified License
A simple addition to UIImage allowing the reflection of images.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
A custom UIGestureRecognizer for doing one finger rotations in iOS apps. It tracks finger movement around a central point.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
This class allows you to stack its subviews, and automatically layout its subviews. It updates the position of every of its subviews automagically as soon as you modify the size of one of its subview.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
An annotation view for an MKMapView that can move along a map.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
An iOS library for displaying tiled maps with support for custom tile providers.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
A complete About UIViewController package for iOS apps. It automatically fetches info from your Info.plist, and also populates credits from Credits.plist.
May 12, 2011 • MIT License
ALPickerView is an attempt to mime the multiple selection behavior of Cocoa Touch's UIPickerView (as seen in Mobile Safari).
May 09, 2011 • Custom License
Horizontal menu for showing categorized content on your iOS app.
Horizontal menu is meant to be a replacement for Three20 fame, horizontal menubar.
You can see this on many "news" apps like USA T...