Stay in touch
February 16, 2014 • Unspecified License
A lock screen view controller styled to look like iOS 7's. Dynamic count of numbers. Control includes shake and error view.
February 16, 2014 • MIT License
IQDatabaseManager contains CoreData helper classes with convenience methods to communicate with CoreData for performing common tasks (inserting+updating+deleting+sorting+searching) on database reco...
February 16, 2014 • MIT License
RMDownloadIndicator is a visual display for downloading of files. It displays the amount of file download as a pie chart just like the app download from the app store in iOS . The colors, radius pe...
February 16, 2014 • MIT License
NTMonthYearPicker is a simple month / year picker component for use in iOS applications.
The standard iOS UIDatePicker component only allows you to specify full dates (i.e. day, month and year),...
February 16, 2014 • MIT License
M13OrderedDictionary is a cross between NSArray and NSDictionary. It holds an ordered list of objects and keys. All of which can be accessed by index, or key. This class is the only fully implement...
February 15, 2014 • MIT License
A queue to keep and reusing objects.
A reuse queue is a way to quickly reuse objects when object allocation and initialization is time-consuming. This reuse queue is inspired after UITableView's...
February 15, 2014 • Unspecified License
ASScrollView animation
an ios control which scroll between image with fading animation and it can be used as an image gallery
February 15, 2014 • Unspecified License
Animated blur-in and blur-out on UIImageView.
February 14, 2014 • MIT License
Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth.
Will clean up your Core Bluetooth related code.
February 12, 2014 • MIT License
Collection of categories for NSFoundation classes to accelerate development.
February 10, 2014 • MIT License
Populate is both an iOS app and library to easily create random-generated contacts.
- the Populate app let you configure and add contacts to the iOS address book.
- the PopulateKit library le...
February 10, 2014 • MIT License
NAKPlaybackIndicatorView is a view that mimics the music playback indicator in the on iOS 7. It has three vertical bars and they oscillate randomly.
February 08, 2014 • MIT License
ASCScreenBrightnessDetector lets you easily detect screen brightness changes and provides some useful delegate methods.
February 08, 2014 • MIT License
This is an iOS control for selecting something using UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet like fashion
February 08, 2014 • MIT License
CRFAQTableViewController allows you to quickly and easily display a clickable interface to navigate question and answer style content.
February 07, 2014 • Apache 2.0 License
A blazing fast customizable waveform view. Extract the audio section of an asset (which can be both video or audio) and display a waveform. Compared to other libs that are found on the web, this on...
February 07, 2014 • MIT License
DropdownMenu is a navigation controller for setting the view of a ContainerViewController using a dropdown menu. Dropdown menus are in many situations superior to the more commonly used slide menu,...