6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

KCCScrollViewContext screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
KCCScrollViewContext provides additional UIScrollView state and expands upon UIScrollViewDelegate messaging while maintaining compatibility with existing UISScrollViewDelegate implementations. •...
MPCoachMarks screenshot


July 09, 2015 • MIT License
MPCoachMarks is an iOS class that displays user coach marks with a couple of shapes cut out over an existing UI. This approach leverages your actual UI as part of the onboarding process for your user.
TextFlipKit screenshot


July 08, 2015 • MIT License
Makes it easy to flip and reverse NSStrings and NSSAttributedStrings
No image provided.


July 07, 2015 • MIT License
SCPageViewController is a container controller which allows you to paginate other view controllers and build custom transitions.
VASRefreshControl screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
Simple pull to refresh control with support RACCommand. [Example GIF](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7fd5eb5eb665d3ea98598e40f7797387d4990dec/68747470733a2f2f686162726173746f726167652e6f7267...
BUYPaymentButton screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
A vector-based Apple Pay button for all iOS 8 versions.
TLAnimatedSegue screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
Segue for present controllers with custom animations.
BWSegmentedControl screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
A segmented control with a ball indicator
BSErrorMessageView screenshot


July 06, 2015 • Unspecified License
Error message view for text field
XHAmazingLoading screenshot


July 06, 2015 • MIT License
XHAmazingLoading indicators or load view based on CAReplicatorLayer class
SQLFetchedResultsController screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
An attempt at making it easier to setup tables with SQLite. There arent many examples of how to properly page through results in a database. I want to fix this. For those that enjoy the flexibility...
No image provided.


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
An Objective-C wrapper for the Google Places Autocomplete API
TLSphinx screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
Swift wrapper around Pocketsphinx
TLFormView screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
TLFormView is yet another form view truly universal. Because it doesn't extend UITableView you are completely free to create anything to use as a form field as long as it extends the base TLFormFie...
JTChartView screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
JTChartView is the new lightweight and fully customizable solution to draw a curve and fill the space underneath it with a gradient. The result is a beautiful chart.
JCTagListView screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
Support select tags and settings tags style.
WhatsappController screenshot


July 04, 2015 • MIT License
A simple message UI library really similar to WhatsApp app
Dribbble iOS SDK screenshot

Dribbble iOS SDK

July 04, 2015 • MIT License
DribbbleSDK is easy-to-use iOS wrapper for Dribbble API. It provides HTTP API calls wrapping, data models classes, and easy OAuth integration
VOXHistogramView screenshot


July 03, 2015 • MIT License
The best way to display histogram in your project.
DCAlertController screenshot


July 03, 2015 • MIT License
Android Wear-like alert. (Delay Confirm)