Stay in touch
Slide to Unlock
March 08, 2011 • Unspecified License
"slide to unlock" clone from the iPhone's lockscreen using only public APIs
January 17, 2011 • Unspecified License
A replacement for UIPageControl that lets you customize the size, spacing and color of the page control dots.
Center Button in Tab Bar
January 04, 2011 • Unspecified License
As seen in Instagram, Path, DailyBooth, and other apps, place a button in the center of a UITabBar to let the user perform some action that is central to the application's purpose.
Animated Tab Bar Selection Indicator
January 04, 2011 • Unspecified License
As seen in Twitter for iPhone (née Tweetie 2), select a tab from the tab bar, and a small triangular selection indicator slides into place above the tab.
Vertically swipe between pages of content
January 04, 2011 • Unspecified License
As seen in the Reeder iPhone app, pull to see the title of the next page of content. Pull far enough and the next page slides in to replace the current page.