6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

Alpha Channel Remover screenshot

Alpha Channel Remover

October 09, 2014 • Public Domain License
Mac OS X Application which allow users to remove alpha (transparency) from images. You can remove alpha channel of multiple files within seconds.
RPTokenControl screenshot


September 21, 2013 • Public Domain License
A re-implementation of NSTokenField that works out some of the bugs, supports Cocoa bindings, allows token size to vary with "count" of item (tag cloud), can append count to item text. Various cos...
JHSpeechBubble screenshot


June 20, 2013 • Public Domain License
A simple Core Graphics speech bubble
EtPanKit screenshot


April 07, 2013 • Public Domain License
EtPanKit is an Objective-C interface for the libEtPan email framework for Mac. It features fast, efficient, and secure IMAP and SMTP connections, abstract classes for maximum subclass-ability, an a...
Circular Progress Indicator screenshot

Circular Progress Indicator

March 30, 2013 • Public Domain License
Just a custom (determinate) Circular Progress Indicator
Two Finger Swipe WebView screenshot

Two Finger Swipe WebView

January 09, 2013 • Public Domain License
Two-finger (trackpad) or one-finger (Magic Mouse) support for back/forward in a WebView.
InspectorTabBar screenshot


June 03, 2012 • Public Domain License
Tab bar like in the Xcode inspector