6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

TCSegmentedView screenshot


October 01, 2017 • Custom License
Easy to create & custom segmented view
3dTouch screenshot


November 04, 2015 • Custom License
Example of using View controller preview for 3d touch
ESSSquareProgressIndicator screenshot


April 15, 2015 • Custom License
A rectangular (square), indeterminate progress indicator for iOS and OS X
JKAlertView screenshot


February 25, 2015 • Custom License
JKAlertView is a user friendly and customised alert view class . No delegates required ,blocks are being used. The methods are self explanatory. For more details check the Read me file.
No image provided.


December 09, 2014 • Custom License
A scrollview similar to Instagram and 20lines app when you create new content. autoscroll on tap the element. The creation of templates is not included for copyright
JMCircularColorPicker screenshot


June 24, 2014 • Custom License
Animated circular color picker You can use this simple picker to add a color picker to your project.
BTUCalculator screenshot


May 15, 2014 • Custom License
BTU Calculator - Air Conditioner (en) BTU Calculadora - Ar Condicionado (pt) Itunes Store Link - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/btu-calculator-air-conditioner/id870084189?mt=8
CardViewSample screenshot


February 22, 2014 • Custom License
Cards View Sample is simple app for creating cards and swipe them over each other.
SimpleFormatLanguage screenshot


February 17, 2014 • Custom License
An intuitive and powerful replacement for Cocoa Auto Layout visual format language
MVYSideMenu screenshot


August 04, 2013 • Custom License
iOS Side Menu based on Google+ iPhone app.
MDRadialProgress screenshot


April 10, 2013 • Custom License
A custom UIView useful to represent progress in discrete steps. Current version 1.3.2. It has the following features: * Draw progress in separated slices or as a single arc. * Can customi...
SwipeView screenshot


March 27, 2013 • Custom License
SwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-styl...
NMPaginator screenshot


March 06, 2013 • Custom License
NMPaginator is a simple Objective-C class that handles pagination for you. It makes it easy to display results from API webservices that take page and per_page parameters.
Glossy Buttons screenshot

Glossy Buttons

February 23, 2013 • Custom License
Create glossy buttons without images.
ABCalendarPicker screenshot


February 23, 2013 • Custom License
Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.
DMWebBrowserViewController screenshot


February 14, 2013 • Custom License
A simple web browser view controller instantiated with view blocks.
SYEmojiPopover screenshot


January 24, 2013 • Custom License
Popover view to select emoji character from iOS 5+ possible characters. iOS 5+, ARC. It consists in two classes. SYEmojiCharacters generates a list of Emoji characters separated in sections, de...
TTSwitch screenshot


January 07, 2013 • Custom License
TTSwitch is a UISwitch replacement built with images. You can now fully customize its appearance to whatever you want. It also adds block support when the switch value is changed. You can globally ...
YIFullScreenScroll screenshot


September 09, 2012 • Custom License
Pinterest-like scroll-to-fullscreen UI for iOS
MPFlipViewController screenshot


August 19, 2012 • Custom License
A custom container view controller following the iOS 5 containment API that navigates between child view controllers via touch gestures and page-flip animations.